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  • Latest Posts

    • Different apps use different forecast models. In the Windy.com app you can see some of these models. Here is the cloud forecast for mid-night tonight in my region for 3 different models. It’s no surprise that they show different cloud cover. However, if the weather is more predictable then they can generally agree.    
    • I've been having a play with my new ZWO ASI533MC camera, and I paid my annual visit to Kuiper Belt objects Makemake and Haumea, capturing them on the nights of 8th and 9th May. I always like to look for Pluto too, but thats very low down in Capricorn and will only visible in a narrow window for me in July/August. 250mm f/4.8 Newtonian, ZWO ASI533MC camera, 14 frames @ 30 second exposures. Field of view about 30 x 30 arc minutes. This is 136472 Makemake, which is currently in Coma Berenices at magnitude 17.1. It's the second brightest Kuiper Belt object after Pluto, and with a diameter about 2/3 of Pluto but was only discovered in 2005. This is a closeup animation of its movement over the 24 hour period. The wee galaxy above it is PGC1662663, apparently 2 billion light years away and receding from us at about 10.7% of light speed! And this is 136108 Haumea, currently in Bootes, discovered in 2004/05, with some dispute about who saw it first (google it!). Apparently it has a very fast rotation of 3.9 hours. This is a closeup animation of its movement over the 24 hour period.  
    • Yes, it's just that M13 was the best I had ever seen it. I'm going to put the insulation on this weekend whilst it's cloudy. I'm just thinking of how I'm going to insulate the rear of the scope 🤔.
    • I had a great time in Texas, even though the day of the eclipse was a bit touch and go with the clouds. I was tracking weather patterns setting off from Austin and ended up at a ranch near Gatesville. Just a dozen of people around me. Fortunately I had already watched a cloudless eclipse in '17, so in a sense this one behind clouds gave me something different. The most obvious thing was a refraction/rainbow effect, which, as I found out is called "corona" (yes, just like the sun's atmosphere) and caused by water droplets in the clouds. So most of my photos featured 2 different coronas... So here's for example how my diamond ring shots look like:   About half of my ~200 shots (automated with Eclipse Orchestrator) were not useful. Most of my brackets were very cloudy so couldn't really be HDR-merged, but here is what I could get out of the least cloudy bracket: If you are curious about more details and photos, I put them up a blog post.
    • And the proms are better seen not through cloud! 😀 I recall now that thin cloud can zap proms. I'd just forgotten. The prom looked plenty bright to me at F7 and F9 yesterday. I'm used to trying to see spiral structure in faint galaxies, so proms aren't much of a challenge for me usually! I remember reading up the technical details on the Quark and fussing over optimal focal ratio. But having used scopes from F6 to F9 (F6, F7, F7.5, F9) hundreds of times, swapping over white light and h-alpha sometimes (obviously with the scopes capped and pointing away from the sun!) I found them in practice all perfectly usable, for proms and solar disc. My favourite scope for visual with the Quark is the F9 100 mm, even though the F7.5 120 mm has more aperture as well. My wife agrees.
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    • Earl

      broken cloud time to run a timelpase from the back window, might do star trails later as its saying clear so far
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    • Minhlead  »  inedible_hulk

      Hi there,
      I can see you had a Lunt 50mm for sale. By any chance it's still available?
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    • Hawksmoor

      Had a brainwave as to how I could make a conversion gizmo to attach to my homemade spectrometer to enable it's use for nebulae. The aluminium bits arrived from EBAY this afternoon. I feel an astro project coming on!
      Finally got the LVST (Lowestoft Very Small Telescope) reprogrammed and catching 'meteor pings' again. Everything went west after the electrical supply to the shed went down in the last major storm deluge. All is up and running again. It really does pay to write down what you have done and programmed when you get old. I'm 74 years old you know!!👴
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    • Dazzyt66

      Hoping for a clear night tonight! 🤞
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    • Earl

      Normalirty restored its grey again....
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