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It's still nice to be here....


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Congratulations John! 

Great points about Flo plus the mod team on here although it has to be said that you have also done a fantastic job in helping and advising new people to the hobby-myself involved!


It's Guys like you is what makes this such a great forum!!


Here's to another 15 years🍻🍻🍻


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I’ve asked one question as a new comer on this forum and have been very impressed with the responses and help people are prepared to offer.

I can only imagine the total years of experience that are willingly on tap here 

thanks again  this is a wonderful resource.


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This relative newbie really appreciates your help and advice over the last few years! SGL is what it is due to the efforts of people like you, John! Here's to the next 15 years (of mostly clear skies, hopefully :) )

And can I second (third, fourth, whatever ;) ) the props to FLO and the rest of the SGL mods and team too!

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Amazing! congrats on 15 years of membership! i enjoyed having a look at your first post, makes me feel like i cant wait for the day i'll be able to say the same about my 10th year.

BTW, was comes after neutron star, Thor's Hammer?

Edited by Sunshine
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1 hour ago, Stu said:

Congrats John! A big thank-you from all of us for all of your help and experience shared over the years 👍👍.

Any memory of how many members SGL had when you joined?

Thanks very much Stu :icon_salut:

I don't know what the membership was back then - maybe 100 or so ?

I guess members like @Ant@GazOC or @russ might know - they were here before I was.


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Congratulations on the anniversary! You've been a consistent presence on the visual observing forums since I've been here, always posting helpful and and interesting things.

Many of the choices I've made about kit have been informed by your posts and I'm very happy with my kit. 

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Must add actually, that one account that particularly stands out John is when you finally got to see, if seeing is the correct term, the Horsehead Nebula from your garden. It is a momentus thing for all visual and non NV assisted observers, to grasp with their eye. Quite emotive, yet the least almost insignificant thing that you could attempt to see, such a contradiction, but that holds our imagination.

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Congrats John! It’s hard to imagine you were once a newbie here lol, but it’s really great that  you’re still here sharing your wealth of knowledge and it’s clear your enthusiasm is still bubbling- which is awesome! :)


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8 hours ago, John said:

I've just realised that I have just passed my 15th year of membership of the Stargazers Lounge. I joined on the 28th of November 2005.

This was my 1st post :grin:


I'd just like to say a big THANK YOU to First Light Optics, the admins and the moderators for creating and maintaining this amazing place and also to all the members here who have helped me, put up with me, replied to my posts, been polite when I've (often) been mistaken, joined in when I've been excited about something and generally made this forum the most important contribution that there has been to my enjoyment of the hobby.

Thank you very much indeed folks :icon_salut:






Reading your first post looks like , even you have to start at some point ! 😲

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