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    Astronomy, Photographié,
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  1. What i don't understand point of origin ex China exports to say UK... UK imports then exporter imports to supplier who pays import duty? Duty Paid ex VAT OK then the UK provider then charged with VAT . OK who then sells to the supplier. So the vendor sell's to a happy buyer , 12 months later the buyer decides to sell an item to an non UK country yet liable to import and tax and VAT ? it has already been taxed?
  2. For me I think Pre B sales on the second hand market was great then the changes and charges VAT etc etc
  3. Mine after 20 years have in the garage well
  4. Me to back on track with John
  5. Oh I see it every day at work they throw stuff out of the way and they are the big boys
  6. to be honest a full container to the Middle man who we shall call X= importer so no movement there as we load containers at work and do we fill them. the distribution network after arrival at port of call. no risk of damage
  7. Jeremy, You want to see the price of second hand cars here ridiculous price. Sorry non astro but. Andy
  8. I bought all my second hand equipment from SGL from UK sellers Many thanks Guys you know who you are. Even sending to eval then payment after. But Nowadays I browse the for sale section and dream. after the B word
  9. Ok a heads Up I have checked up on astrosurf.com French site I also sub to and yes the problem is the owners provider Oui AstroSurface est inaccessible à cause d'un problème chez le fournisseur.Je pense qu'il va falloir que je change de fournisseur courant janvier, ce que je n'avais pas prévu.Donc AstroSurface sera inaccessible pendant quelques semaines.Il y aura la version V,4 que j'ai sous le coude.Désolé pour le désagrément ! this is the latest version albeit on a members onedrive account https://1drv.ms/f/c/0ccbcb71f626d4b2/ErLUJvZxy8sggAwI-QAAAAABJF0Nr4kjaq19PrIrR4IjpQ?e=RBhAoJ here is the original thread for you to verify http://www.astrosurf.com/topic/173092-astrosurface-en-rade/?tab=comments#comment-2470887
  10. Site down for me are you after the Software i can post here if needed albeit 2023 version U4 45MB in zip format
  11. bit of a stupid question what version of windows are they all running? I have a windows 11Pro pc connects to my Nas no credentials, yet my windows 10 Pro always asks? and i'm using A MS account on both machines
  12. welcome
  13. Welcome to SGL Ex Manc living in France.
  14. also just released anyone not using it you can now trial for 6 months FOC no catches.... https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/photo/
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