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Minimalist observing - well, it's the least you need isn't it?


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Oops.... sorry Derek :)

I've lusted after one of these since I saw Shane's similar scope quite a few years ago.

This is the third scope I've had off Mike73, and it looks like a beauty again. Very light given its size, and quite manageable with my back as it is. This is a VX12L f5.3 1/8th wave but with a 0.987 Strehl ratio, i.e. Pretty good!

Mike has part flocked the OTA (the important bits top and bottom) and has fitted a TelRad and 9x50 RACI, both heated via a small control unit. The balance seems excellent and the motion very smooth. The focuser is also surprisingly good, with a clicklock fitted plus a Howie Glatter Parallizer. 

Should be a good'un. Great for home, and quite manageable to take to dark sites.

A Tak 4", C925 and 12" dob. That's ok isn't it? ;) 








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Awesome!  Great optics.  Loving my VX16 1/10th, shame I don't know what the Strehl is on mine but sounds like yours is likely roughly the same.

Let us know how well the dob base works from a perspective of potential toppling.  Yours is about the same height as mine but much lighter.



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10 minutes ago, Stu said:

Oops.... sorry Derek :)


A Tak 4", C925 and 12" dob. That's ok isn't it? ;)

When I saw the title of the thread I thought "Oh no - here he goes again slimming down his collection trying to convince us (himself) that less is more" :rolleyes:

So I am delighted to see that you have found the path to enlightenment - it's like finding a committed vegetarian eating a bacon sandwich :lol:

Congrats on the new scope - it looks like a beauty!

We can certainly put on a reasonable show as the "Alternative Dob Mob" at SGL XII :wink:


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21 minutes ago, DRT said:

When I saw the title of the thread I thought "Oh no - here he goes again slimming down his collection trying to convince us (himself) that less is more" :rolleyes:

So I am delighted to see that you have found the path to enlightenment - it's like finding a committed vegetarian eating a bacon sandwich :lol:

Congrats on the new scope - it looks like a beauty!

We can certainly put on a reasonable show as the "Alternative Dob Mob" at SGL XII :wink:


I thought the same, i thought maybe Stu was going to follow me to the scope rule, which i am nearly at

looks a lovely scope if you like newts, and at F5.3 should be a very good planet scope and a bit of an alrounder, look forward to some obs reports

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Hi Stu,

 Congratulations on acquiring a large ex Queen Mary funnel:evil4::evil4:.. Will you be starting a "Show us your Smokestack" thread??:p:icon_mrgreen:

Seriously, looks like a great scope..one of these days I will have a look through a big reflector: never looked through any bigger than an 8".

Oh, and let's have no more nonsense about "minimalist observing"- that's "Hugeist observing"!

Clear skies.



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Great you have done some very good business (again) with Mike73, would have been good if he'd had provided you with a crash course in Messier drawing and throw in his drawing equipment as well, those meticulous catalogued drawings of Mike's are a miss and were / are an excellent resource, fancy taking up the quest Stu? :smiley:

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59 minutes ago, Commanderfish said:

Once you give it a test run Stu I'd be interested as to whether you keep the C9.25. If you're not imaging I reckon the 1600FL dob covers what the c925 does. I could be wrong.

On the other hand I reckon you're missing a 6" F5.9 rich field frac ;)

Quite possible, but the 925 does give me portable aperture for when I can't fit the dob in ie when going camping. Plus GOTO for when I can't find things because everything is blooming well upside down in a newt! ;) 

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