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Sad News re johninderby


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Yet more sad news to start the New Year off with.  John was a core member of the SGL "family" and as such much missed by all at SGL.  Purchasing solar components from him kick started my solar interest for which I will be eternally grateful.  Sincere condolences to all concerned.

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2 minutes ago, Peter Drew said:

Yet more sad news to start the New Year off with.  John was a core member of the SGL "family" and as such much missed by all at SGL.  Purchasing solar components from him kick started my solar interest for which I will be eternally grateful.  Sincere condolences to all concerned.

He didn't kick start anything for me, but It was his purchase, and subsequent review of the Lacerta Herschel wedge that led me to purchase the same and start taking the solar business more seriously. 

There must be so many SGL members with a similar debt of gratitude.

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I read the thread title and couldn't help saying, 'Oh no!" out loud, clicked on the title and my fears were realised. 'er indoors asked what is wrong and I just said, "John's dead" and further explanation continued... Obviously I didn't really know him, but I spend far too much time browsing these forums and noticed he hadn't posted for a while. John's advice was influential regarding my equipment choices (and window shopping!) and I enjoyed reading his posts a great deal.

Sincerest condolences to his family and friends.


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John you are going to be missed by many here, rest in peace.  John always came across as a friendly approachable character, ready to share knowledge and offer help. He was a gentleman on the forum as I am sure he was in life, the type of person that only enriches your own life.   John and his family will be in my thoughts and prayers.  @thunderbird02


Edited by saac
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5 hours ago, thunderbird02 said:

I do not know whether this is the right place or not, but I came across this site whilst researching some telescopes, and I noticed that johninderby  was a avid user of this site, he was my cousin and this is to 

inform whoever it concerns that John passed away in October last year.

Oh goodness. Thanks for letting us know. God bless you and your family. Rest in Peace John. Thanks for all you did for SGL.

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Very sorry to hear this sad news.

Despite the fact we must have lived pretty close to one another, I must confess I never had the pleasure of meeting John.

I know he was passionate about his new Rowan alt-az mount and his refractors, a man after my own heart.

May he rest in peace.

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Very sorry to hear this news. I don’t think there was anyone on this forum more knowledgable about how to make one piece of astro equipment work with another. He was a one-man help desk to so many members, myself included. Not only would he always know the right part or adapter to use, but he’d also know where to buy it at the best price. And then - as others have noted - there were his own mods. Within hours of receiving a new scope, it would be adorned with new accessories and often very simple upgrades which inspired me on more than one occasion. A great loss to SGL.

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I can only echo the sentiments of those above. I read the news with a sinking feeling in my stomach. I didn't know John but I have read his posts over many years, always with interest and with a keen anticipation; they have informed my purchase decisions as they did for many others. All good wishes to his family and friends at this very sad time.


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19 hours ago, John said:

I am very sorry indeed to learn this news. John was a major and valuable contributor to this forum. He was very experienced and always seemed to have useful, innovative and practical advice to offer, especially on how to make the best of astronomy equipment.

I bought items from him a few times and it was always a pleasant experience.

R.I.P John your presence will be missed on here, that is for sure.


Indeed, exactly that.

Good to see to see you again btw John. I for one missed your contributions, even if I rarely post myself.

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I always enjoyed John's posts, and apparently like a bunch of others on here, I had the enjoyable experiencing of popping over to his house to purchase a telescope from him. Instead of feeling like a commercial transaction it turned into a show and tell of John's astro gear, conducted by his conservatory as we both tried to remain covid safe.  A really enjoyable experience that I'm very sorry will not now be repeated. A lovely man with infectious enthusiasm- may you rest in peace sir.

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Oh no! Such sad news. I had feared the worst when his postings had stopped last year, but hoped it might have been a temporary illness.

John was one of the first to help me out when I started here several years ago. He was knowledgeable, kind and helpful. The place hasn't  been the same since.

I still chuckle thinking about when one poster had assumed his name was John Inderby!


I will raise a glass next time I'm out observing. 

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I joined John virtually in our adventures with the cheap Celestron Starsense LT70AZ, adapting it to other scopes and making our own carriers so the holder could go back on the LT70. A very handy little gizmo for quickly finding stuff for those like me who don't star-hop. In fact there's quite a few of us jumped in on that bandwagon, think we cleaned out most available stock that had come in back then lol.

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I have hesitated to say anything as I did not know the man or had any interaction with him that I know of.

However, I do know, that shortly after joining this forum I realised that there were quite a few ‘Big Guns’ as I thought of them and he was definitely one of them.

We all lost Gina a while back. I remember looking at posts from these senior members of SGL and being blown away by their knowledge and experience.

Now this sad loss. It is a loss on a personal level to his family which I extended my deepest sympathy. 
It is also a loss to those of us that would have loved to have learned from the man and never got the opportunity.


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Really very sad to hear this news. John was a big presence on this forum - knowledgeable, humorous and always hit the right tone with his posts. You’d never see John getting involved in arguments, he was all about the astronomy. We will all miss him.

Condolences to you and you family @thunderbird02 and thank you for taking the time to let us know. 

Edited by RobertI
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