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What did the postman bring?


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I agree. He writes well. Although his vast experience, Hawaiian sky and owl like eye-sight make me feel a bit rubbish as an observer. Best multiply his specified aperture requirements by 2 to get to ‘normal chap under UK sky’ territory.



Edited by Paul73
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9 hours ago, bottletopburly said:

More books ?The Caldwell objectsThe Deep sky

Three books off Amazon all used in great condition for less than £40 the cost of one book new , Best Buy was The Caldwell objects £8.94 bargain ?



Nice - books I'm interested in picking up too!

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On 3/18/2017 at 23:49, laudropb said:

The nice postie brought me a 14 mm ES 82 degree eyepiece to play with. If only it would stop raining.


Sorry.......I was looking at the book you have :wink:

Edited by callisto
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46 minutes ago, Mognet said:

Looks like the thread title got changed in the move. Confused me after not logging in for a week!

How bizarre, no idea how that happened. Will try to sort. Thanks for pointing it out.

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37 minutes ago, Mognet said:

Treated myself to an Imakr Startt 3D printer as a Christmas present to myself. Felt like I was playing with Meccano for the first few hours as it arrives in kit form

Doesn't seem too bad for a £99 printer :D



Wow, that looks like alot of printer for £99. I'm trying to resist the world of 3d printing, I'm wanting to simplify my life but Astronomy has other ideas :icon_biggrin:

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3 minutes ago, Hertford Stargazer said:

Wow, that looks like alot of printer for £99. I'm trying to resist the world of 3d printing, I'm wanting to simplify my life but Astronomy has other ideas :icon_biggrin:

It only has a small print volume, 120x140x130mm but it can be rebuilt for larger volumes apparently

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19 minutes ago, Stu said:


Yes we are covered, just waiting for it to dry to see how bad the stain is. Thankfully the carpet is terracotta-ish in colour so it might live to see another day. It was a bottle her employers gave her and it smelt awful so probably best we didn't try drinking it.

20 minutes ago, gtis said:

Not Astro related 



Brilliant, had one as a kid, great fun. My son still has one that belonged to my father.

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45 minutes ago, Helen said:

A new toy for the telementor??

Hi Helen,

Wow, that was quick, :clock:  in 8 minutes ! 

Yes, its an original Zeiss diagonal. I have been searching for one for a long time for our Telementor-1 with the helical focuser. We have a turret on the Telementor-2 model, but its just too much weight to use on the T-1 in my opinion. Now my Wife & I can have a choice of instruments to use without straining our necks. :smile:


PICT0005 (Medium).JPG

PICT0006 (Medium).JPG

PICT0007 (Medium).JPG

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1 minute ago, L8-Nite said:

Hi Helen,

Wow, that was quick, :clock:  in 8 minutes ! 

Yes, its an original Zeiss diagonal. I have been searching for one for a long time for our Telementor-1 with the helical focuser. We have a turret on the Telementor-2 model, but its just too much weight to use on the T-1 in my opinion. Now my Wife & I can have a choice of instruments to use without straining our necks. :smile:


PICT0005 (Medium).JPG

PICT0006 (Medium).JPG

PICT0007 (Medium).JPG

Envious? me? never....well perhaps just a bit :wub:  My Telementor hasn't seen skies for quite a while - that's what comes of buying a Tak100 :wink2:  But it is such an iconic piece I can't imagine selling it!


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I agree with you Helen, these scopes are keepers for life. Our scopes haven't seen starlight since .......  :icon_scratch: Hmmm, I can't recall, lol.

Looking for Zeiss accessories is like fishing without bait on the hook, you just have to get lucky to snag one once in awhile.


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