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What did the postman bring?


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  • 3 weeks later...


With grateful thanks to Peter for an excellent job of packaging and shipping, I am ready for an O-III shootout between Lumicon and Astronomik.


I have read accounts of this one being used as a "do it all" filter, so it should be interesting. If so, it will be a prime candidate for my airline travel kit.

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The postman bought me a Vixen 80S courtesy of SGL user Debo - many thanks for first class wrapping and packing job and speedy turn around.  So much for saying I'd never own more than one telescope!  It's a real grab and go job to the top of finderscope from its stand its 54cm and it 40 cm along the length of the scope!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

This is not so much "what did the postman bring" today, or rather a couple of days ago, but a resume of various eyepiece (pictured) arrivals over the last couple of months or so.

In order of arrival,  the 10mm BCO which was the pleasant and unexpected  consequence of a sort exchange of favours with Shane (Moonshane). I was a little unsure about the eye relief but was keen to sample what all this talk of orthoscopics was about. Now I know! The eye relief is a bit skinny on the 10mm but its more comfortable than I expected but the optics are superb. A little EP with big performance. Thanks Shane.

Next the Vixen 15mm SLV. Bought from Jon (parallaxerr) it was the natural upgrade for my much used and well liked 15mm NPL. Great eye relief with great optics and a solid build quality. I've not used it so much yet but its one of those instant hit, make you smile, type eye pieces. Thanks Jon.

Next was the Circle T 12.5mm ortho', an impulse buy from Dave (F15Rules) based on my experience with the BCO. Dave was also selling a Circle T 25mm Kellner and as he made me an offer I couldn't refuse I bought both!  Again, not much time at the eyepiece yet but first impressions with the 12.5mm are very good, perhaps not as immediately impressive as the BCO but I need more time to compare them. The Kellner, a type which I tend to associate with cheap lightweight barely adequate eyepieces shipped as OE with many 'scopes, is a quite different animal. Again ,when I get to spend a bit more time with it I'll hopefully be able to report back. Thanks Dave.

Finally the 7mm 82 degree Nirvana.  After hunting around for an eyepiece that would give about 120 - 130x with the ED100 and spending ages pondering a barlow, I decided to wait and see if a  7mm (ish) eyepiece from my very short shortlist would come along which included the Nirvana.I'd looked at the Nirvana a few times, it had a good reputation but the 82 degree fov?  I had pretty much decided that 68 degrees was plenty for my eyes, in fact I'm quite happy with 50 -60 degrees. However, nothing ventured, nothing gained so when Paul (martindale) advertised his, I jumped and it arrived on Friday. Its a big eyepiece, compared to the others,with a solid feel to the build. Its eye cup arrangement is identical to the one on my 35mm Rigel which is very comfy to use.  I've not had chance to use it under the stars yet, but views across the valley look good, so we will see how it pans out. Thanks Paul.

In addition to these I have a couple of Vixen LVs to get to grips with. What started off as an eyepiece "rationalisation" exercise has finished up as full cupboard, more than enough to keep me occupied.

Picture: Circle T 25mm Kellner, Vixen 15mm SLV, Circle T 12.5mm Ortho', Baader BCO 10mm, Skywatcher 7mm Nirvana.

Eyepieces 2.JPG

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  • 1 month later...
21 minutes ago, DRT said:

Very nice, Mark. I hope it lives up to expectations. 

Thanks Derek - me too. I know a bit more about these telescopes now than I did when I started ha solar a few years ago - though I've also learnt every example is different. But good forecast for tomorrow - and I've just emailed work saying I won't be in until lunchtime - so an interesting morning to look forward to

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This came yesterday. I used one Thursday night at an astronomy club and thought it was a little smasher!


Four inch mirror, wooden mount, quality build and under £100. Had a lovely view of the double cluster when I used it Thursday. Am hoping to take it out to Shropshire tonight to get some dark skies ('broken clouds' is the forecast).
I do a lot of camping and I'm often with none astro-friends, it's sometimes a bit anti-social to set up the big scopes. With this, I can put it on the table, between the wine bottles, and everyone can have a look. I've always loved binocular astronomy, but the problem is, you can't hand the binoculars to someone else and say "look at that nice cluster". With this, everyone can join in.

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Received a Lego Saturn 5 Rocket today - spent all afternoon building the first stage. It's a fabulous kit and amazing how all the little bits go together to make a strong free standing 1m high model. Will pop a build thread and pics up once it's complete. :)

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... a Moonlight dual speed focuser upgrade for my Lunt LS50THa :)

The stock helical focuser is not to my liking tbh, and exhibits a disconcerting amount of play and sag.  The Moonlight looks to be beautifully executed: I have it installed, and am eager to try out with my 6E.  Cloud forecast for tomorrow, but some sunny spells might be on the cards for Friday!

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