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Mercury Transits Sun - 2019 NOV 11


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You could line up around 285 of those little Mercuries across that face of the Sun. Just that tiny prominence to its north could pile up around ten of them :blink: Folk who aren't into astronomy are often offended surprised at realising just how small our rocky planets really are.

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Grabbed this quickie during my lunch break. Android phone, Altair Astro 70ED, 16mm Explore scientific EP, white light solar filter ....



Edited by kev100
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Just bagged 10 minutes between the clouds and got to see the Mercury shadow transit!

Its so long since I used the Lunt that I took a few seconds to get back into the groove of tuning the double stack and letting some air into the tuner as it was flat.

Not much else on the disc - 3 x sets of proms, 3 tiny filaments, saw one small bright flux patch briefly.

But the Mercury shadow was nice and clear and a decent sized patch too.

Just got back inside before it started spotting with rain! Fingers crossed for another clear patch later ...


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That looks a fine effort by your group event @Stu :hello2:  Some of you are taking green pics - you must all have different filters to me - I've got a nice gold background from the Baader solar film - mine is most sun-like!

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Good breaks in the clouds here in Bournemouth but as I'm at work, I just chucked a small pair of binos in my laptop bag with a solar filter.

Unfortunately the binos are too small to actually resolve Mercury so I'm getting intermittently good views of a golden blob and not much else!

Will be living vicariously through those of you that are sharing images.

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5 minutes ago, Demonperformer said:

Oh well ... I'll always have Venus ...

Ah yes the 2004 Venus transit. perfect clear skies and was able to watch the whole thing. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Only have to wait until 10–11 December 2117 and 8 December 2125 for the next ones. 😂

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Taken some 500 frame vid's between clouds poor old SolarQuest is a bit confused, lots of flashing red and green lights, start clouded out so didn't have time to mess with anything like tuning so just started imaging.








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I was hoping to catch a series of images at the early stages for an animation, but the clouds were a problem.

However, they did make for quite a pretty animation here. This is between First and Second Contact. You can see Mercury as a little notch at the 1 O'Clock position.


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I got a really good view of the second contact with my 127mm Mak and full aperture filter. Mercury was sharply defined and black.

Tried imaging (sunlight and laptop screens are not a good combination). Eventually got an .ser with ASI120MC and Sharpcap.

Sky is cloudy now. (14.24)

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I've just discovered that you learn a great deal about pupil focal point on an EP when you hold up a mobile to get an afocal image.  However, I think I got it in some of these.  In fact I think these will be better than the DSLR






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