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Hi Everyone (from Kent).


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Hi Everyone, 

I am a 45 year old kid who has been reading astronomy and astrophysics books since I was in college. I've spent the past 2 years enjoying the sky with my binoculars and this year took the plunge and bought a CPC 1100 Edge and some good EPs. Its been a fantastic journey so far although I have recently learned that I don't actually know what "true" dark skies are. I live in Kent (Bortle 5 area). Looking forward to the next steps which will probably involve joining an astronomy club and perhaps venturing out to darker spots. 

Looking forward to learning more. 

Have a great weekend All. 


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Welcome Simon 🙂

I'm Kent also, medway area and like you only recently started with telescopes. Am reasonably lucky that I'm pretty much atop a hill and a fair bit of woods around the area, the back garden is fairly dark and not too much light intrusion unless neighbours have their garden lights on. No doubt a darker site would improve the viewing so may look at doing that later down the road too.

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12 minutes ago, DaveL59 said:

Welcome Simon 🙂

I'm Kent also, medway area and like you only recently started with telescopes. Am reasonably lucky that I'm pretty much atop a hill and a fair bit of woods around the area, the back garden is fairly dark and not too much light intrusion unless neighbours have their garden lights on. No doubt a darker site would improve the viewing so may look at doing that later down the road too.

Hi Dave, 

Yes - I have a paddock out back and its dark...at least I thought so until started researching light pollution and what dark really looks like and realised I was pretty clueless. When you start reading about some targets being fairly easy naked objects and then you struggle to see them through binos it dawns on you that there are many levels darker! This was something I found frustrating initially until I adjusted my expectations to fit my location and the time of year. 

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so true. I recall a few years back when I lived in Essex, the then other half and I drove right out into the country to find a very dark spot so we could watch the meteor shower as we'd not have seen much where we lived by the river, with lights all around to illuminate the walkways.

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Welcome Simon, Best of Luck with your new telescope and Clear Skies of course...


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58 minutes ago, MakeItSo said:

Thanks all!

I am between Sevenoaks and West Malling. I'm looking for an astronomy club so any recommendations would be gratefully received. 

The closes one I know of is the mid Kent one..at bredhurst..think it's the last Fri of the month they meet..

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Hi Simon, Welcome to SGL. I'm more South East than you, but I've been along to a couple of Mid Kent Astronomy meetings and enjoyed them. I just felt it was a little too far up a boring length of motorway for me to keep going. But nice club if it's not too far for you. They've got a small field behind the Village Hall where they meet, but then they also use an observatory in Canterbury.

Very nice scope you've bought yourself so you should soon be seeing plenty once we get into the darker skies in winter hopefully.

All the best,


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