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Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)

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I've just spent a fair while observing it through bins.  Had a fair bit of trouble with low cloud on the horizon, but that cleared eventually.  The tail is absolutely stunning.  Even naked-eye I reckon it must be a couple of degrees from end to end.  I shall set something up with a view to imaging it tomorrow night.


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Just back for my jaunt out to low horizons and darker skies - and after a failed attempt last Sunday night, I finally got my first look at Comet Neowise - she's definately a beauty! 

My eyes probably aren't the best but I struggled to see naked eyed, but in binoculars the head, the tail... all so impressive.

My first dslr outing too which only arrive at the weekend - and picked up a 250mm lens this morning just for special the occassion.

Just arrived home at 2am to notice Cassiopia and Pegasus just peaking above some tall trees in the neighbouring garden - which to me means one thing....it was too late to drag the scope out but got a great view of Andromeda through the binoculars even with the glare of the moon.  Double whammy :)


Edited by dd999
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Finally calling it a night. Didn’t matter whether I used bins, 80mm frac, 10” dob or just plain old naked eye, this comet is superb! It will live long in the memory. Enjoyed lots of other great targets too. Veil, NAN and Crescent for my nebula fix. Nice detail on Saturn with some banding and a sharp Cassini division. A distinctly orange GRS on Jupiter. By far my clearest view of the polar ice cap on Mars. This is astronomy at it’s very best! Great night. 

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I'm packing in as well. Totally agree Neil - this is what it is all about. The sky rewarded me with this sight as I packed the scope away - simply breathtaking:



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10 minutes ago, John said:

I'm packing in as well. Totally agree Neil - this is what it is all about. The sky rewarded me with this sight as I packed the scope away - simply breathtaking:



Lovely picture and the best comet I've ever seen!

I can see the same noctilucent clouds from Portchester (Hants) Too.

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Woohoo! At 03:34 BST, Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) was bagged from my Liverpool doorstep through Olympus DPS-I 10x50s.

Only taking a couple of minutes to find using Capella as a start point. Brilliant, just like the pics! I thought the noctilucent cloud display I was treated to on stepping out may be a hindrence, but not at all.

Completing the 25 minute session, turning to the slightly darker southern sky, a bonus lovely bright salmon pink Mars and smashing 73% waning gibbous moon. 🧐😀🎉



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Just got back indoors about thirty minutes ago, after my first view and fourth naked eye comet to date; (the other three Comets were Hyakutake, Hale-Bopp & Holmes). It is very impressive from my suburban sky. I too used Capella as a reference point/marker.

Moon, Mars Jupiter & Saturn also looking very nice this morning too.

Edited by Philip R
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Just seen it for the first time and can't believe how bright it is. It's only the second comet I've seen. I had to drive out to somewhere with a clear North West horizon because it is obstructed from home. Also, it was my first time seeing noctilucent clouds believe it or not - a really spectacular sight! Definitely worth losing sleep for! 🙂



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37 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

Totally amazing again tonight.  I waited two hours for the clouds to clear, but it was worth it!  And as quick as it cleared, it clouded over again.



WOW! That's a stunning picture of the comet's tail! How did you get such a nice photo? 

Edited by HaleBopp2007
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@tooth_dr Great shot, can really see the length of the tail, spectacular! What time was that at? I wasn't as lucky, caught a couple of fleeting glimpses in binos about 3:20 and again about an hour ago through the smallest of gaps in the clouds. Nothing of note on camera though. 

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The UK met office was on form.  Forecast was for clear sky's but got 90% cloud cover.  However... the 10% revealed Neo, albeit briefly as it went in and out of cloud.  WOW.  No binoculars needed.  The tail was easily naked eye and bagged the trophy photo I wanted.  Very happy and may even get another window tonight.  This will be remembered for a long time !

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Almost didn't get up when the alarm went at 1:50, but glad I did, first clear morning to see the comet, plus bonus noctilucent clouds.

Fuji X-T1 / Samyang 135mm @ f2.8, 20 x 9sec iso400.




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Simply beautiful. I really couldn’t believe what I was seeing. 

Got up before 2.00 in the hope of catching it against a darker sky than the other day. After some clambering around the garden I scanned the horizon above distant trees and realised that I could actually see the tail above the trees while the head was still hidden. After years of waiting for a comet that actually looked like a comet with real  tail here I was seeing just the tail! 

After  a while the bright head also cleared the trees to give a stunning sight through the Canon binoculars. Also no argument now whether it was naked eye or not as it hovered about the trees.

A picture book sight through the binoculars- a long arcing and graceful tail curving upwards and so bright near the head. It almost gave the impression of being on fire. 

I didn’t try to take photos, just drank in the view. A sight of a lifetime.

Dragged myself away as the sky lightened and took away a little of the tail’s beauty 

Edited by kerrylewis
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5 hours ago, John said:

I'm packing in as well. Totally agree Neil - this is what it is all about. The sky rewarded me with this sight as I packed the scope away - simply breathtaking:



That's a super shot John

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