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Greetings from Swindon (UK)


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Greetings from Swindon (UK). Newbie here trying to get to grips with this potentially awesome hobby.  Have been living under the perpetual gloom of the UK skies ever since buying a telescope and have only been able to use it once, but remain hopeful that the spring & summer will bring better skies.  In the meanwhile I have loads of questions which I'm hoping to find the answers to on here :) 

I run a big(ish) YouTube channel called Rickvanman, where I am hoping to share my astronomy endevours with the rest of the world, and maybe get a few converts in the process :) 

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Hi Rick, it's great to see that you are taking up astronomy, it's an awesome hobby. This is the right place to get help, there are so many knowledgeable people. 

Oh, and thanks for the campervan videos, they encouraged me to get mine.


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Hi Rick. Welcome to SGL. Hope you enjoy the forum. Ask any questions you like, someone on here should be able to answer it. :) 

I was in your neck of the woods recently for a job there with my work. I've got a question for you; who though of that Magic roundabout? Scared the life out of me navigating around it! Yikes! ;) 

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