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RIP Sir Patrick


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Heard the sad news on the radio news and it brought tears to my eyes. I have watched "The Sky at Night" since it began (and hardly missed an episode) and Sir Patrick was an instiration. He seemed almost like a father figure to me though regretfully, I never met him. The world has lost an icon :(

R.I.P. Sir Patrick

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Too freely is the term "legend" used these days, but for Sir Patrick it is a title that is truly deserved. Such an inspiration, he has left such an amazing legacy, he will be very much missed. RIP among the stars, sir.

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A great life, well lived. Not just an astonomer, but also a noted musician, sportman and above all, a gentleman.

He will be sorely missed, and has been an inspiration to me since I was first given an Observer's book back in the late 60's. Let us remember his great achievements; his contributions to mapping the moon are universal and were of benefit to both the American and Russian space programmes. Let us celebrate that prodigious output of writings and radio and television programmes, the tireless work and unstinting generosity to the amateur community, and to education generally. Let us hope his mantle can be taken up and his great work in popularising (but never dumbing down) astronomy can be continued.

I will be out tonight to gaze in awe at the stars with Sir Patrick uppermost in my thoughts.

"Until next time...Goodnight!!

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He was the last surviving person who had met:

1. The first man to fly

2. The first man into space

3. The first man to orbit the earth

4. The first man to walk on the moon

Long may his memory live on.

Typed by me on my fone, using fumms... Excuse eny speling errurs.

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I've just got home and saw the news online and I'm not ashamed to say I cried. How can you replace someone like that? He was more than just an icon and an inspiration. He was one of the most wonderful characters: intelligent, generous, kind and with a brilliant biting wit that cared nothing for political correctness.

I'm so privileged to have met him. He had me in stitches a few times. He hated creepie-crawlies so I showed him photos of the mantids and Madagascan hissing cockroaches I used to keep. I'll never forget the disgusted look on his face. Classic! Or when he played me one of his compositions he'd had burned to disc. He said, very seriously, that this was a serious piece of music. When I listened it dawned on me that it was a hilarious Gilbert and Sullivanesque operetta. He had me completely fooled for a few seconds. What a talent.

I'm going to miss him so much, as we all will.

Goodbye Patrick. You have a front-row seat to the cosmos now.


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Words are not enough, this is such a sad day, sir patrick was the main inspiration for me when i was about 8 years old. This great man contributed so much to amateur astronomy, his work will live on

Rest in peace, amoung the stars, god bless you sir patrick

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