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Just realised....


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I've been here 14 years!!! 

When I started the forum was small enough that you could read all the posts every day., and it was purely UK.  But look how we've grown into a 'truly international'  forum (sorry, @daz )!  I couldn't imagine how much this place would enrich my astronomy, influence my life,  make me so many good friends, and empty my bank account!

Here's to the next 14....


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When I first started on this forum 10 1/2 years ago.  I found it too big then and could not keep pace with the number of posts each day.  But as time went by I learnt to glance through the posts and just join in with the ones that took my interest and like Helen have made loads of friends on here, and now it is my favourite Astro Forum.  Everyone is so friendly and helpful.

I also like the way the forum works, and it is relatively easy to find something you might be looking for, or can go back to an old thread if you can remember (or guess) something that was in the title or content. 

At times, there can be some quite hilarious threads (a lot of funny people on here), and I always know if I have a problem that I can be guaranteed an answer (or 12) and most times a solution because of it's membership size.

There is room for people of different interests, and sometimes they overlap.  Various contests, Astro camps and more recently Stargazine. 

Also a place to buy and sell second hand astro kit, and knowing you are buying off a member with a reputation to maintain gives you more confidence.  

I also like the way we have members from abroad, it's great to get a perspective from other countries. 

Lastly the great "live" thread created by Kev S (Anybody Playing Tonight) gives a virtual live chat room when we are out in the early hours of the morning imaging or observing.  It's like having virtual company in those early hours when normally you'd be alone.    

It really is a great forum.


Edited by carastro
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It is. A great feature is the “Unread Content” page which means you don’t have to explore every forum topic to find out what’s new. Also the activity menu like “Content I started” and “Content I contributed to” to catch up on what others have added since you posted. 

One thing I’ve never quite got the hang of is how to ask a question that doesn’t just sink like a lead weight and that few people answer. Maybe I just ask stupid questions. :) 

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It's a great place which is a credit to the Admin and people who started it.  Above all I think it is extremely well moderated, so a huge thanks and hats off to all the mods who do a superb job which, I know from experience of doing it myself on other forums, is often a thankless task requiring the diplomacy of a UN peace keeper and patience of a saint........bravo 🙌🙌

I tried a few forums before coming across SGL and can say, hand on heart, it is by far the most intuitive to use, friendly and inclusive out there.

Thanks also to @FLO for their generous and continuing support, without which I don't think SGL would be the place it is.

The one thing I have learnt is never to ask a question which could be open to opinion as you will get around 23665488 of them, and go away with even less of a clue than you started with 😉


Edited by RayD
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Agree with the above. Been here 11 years now but it was already a major forum then, and has grown since. the forum has been a big part of my journey back into astronomy, and the bankruptcy that results from imaging!

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Congratulations Helen! It certainly is a great place to be, and has helped me enjoy many more aspects of astronomy, and see objects that I never would have known about without it. Everyday is still a school day on here.

Ten years sentence, err, I mean membership for me! 🤣🤣

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Congratulations Helen and many thanks for what you have contributed to the forum as well, both up front and behind the scenes :icon_salut:

I remember when we first met - at Anthony's cottage in Chipping Sodbury !

Here's to the next 14 years :thumbright:


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Just passed 11 years in June:thumbsup:

I remember when I joined it was the only forum I'd been a part of (still is by far the one I am on most), and I had to try to think of a forum "handle" to be known by (sorry JeremyS, I think I can claim first use of that word!😂).

As I was then very much into long focus refractors (F12-F15), I chose F15Rules which I've stuck with ever since. 

I've been asked a few times if "F15" refers to a USA fighter plane - and if so, was I a pilot!?? Sadly, nothing so glamorous, but I still love long achromats today, even though I'm lucky enough to now own a Tak apo..and I still own and use a 1970s vintage 80mm F15 achromat.

I have learnt so much from this forum, and made what I consider to be some good "virtual friends", most of whom I have never met in person.

Compared to another well known forum, SGL is refreshingly down to earth, a place where it's ok to be a newbie, or not to know everything, and it's ok to have a healthy honest debate without massive egos jumping in like a ton of bricks!

Sincere thanks to our sponsors and everyone at FLO who works so hard behind the scenes to keep SGL reliable, available and free - and their online shop is pretty good as well😁😂.


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44 minutes ago, John said:

Congratulations Helen and many thanks for what you have contributed to the forum as well, both up front and behind the scenes :icon_salut:

I remember when we first met - at Anthony's cottage in Chipping Sodbury !

Here's to the next 14 years :thumbright:


Aha! I think I’m being a bit slow in not reading the OP properly. SGL is 14 years old I take it. 

How did it come about, and what is the connection with FLO? 

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36 minutes ago, Ouroboros said:

How did it come about,

There used to be a brief history of SGL somewhere on here.

Only been here 8 years, didn't join officially until after I retired as didn't have the time but lurked a bit before that.


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7 years for me and it's the only astro forum I'm a member of. Actually it's the only forum I'm a member of, period, since giving up Scuba Diving. If I google a particular subject it's very likely that the first few suggestions will refer to SGL too :) Just can't escape its global influence!

Clubs and star parties aren't really my thing. I get all that I need from the suitably socially distanced SGL forum! :)



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Compared to another well known forum, SGL is refreshingly down to earth, a place where it's ok to be a newbie, or not to know everything, and it's ok to have a healthy honest debate without massive egos jumping in like a ton of bricks!

I think I know which forum you are referring to, went there for a few posts, and never been back.  


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1 hour ago, Ouroboros said:

Aha! I think I’m being a bit slow in not reading the OP properly. SGL is 14 years old I take it. 

How did it come about, and what is the connection with FLO? 

SGL is a little bit older than that. Helen and I joined around the same time, about 14 years ago. I think the forum had been around for a year or so before that. The earliest member that I can find joined in June 2005. I joined in November of that year. I think back then FLO was pretty much a one-person business working from their house ?

I ought to say that I've been a member of the other forum mentioned above for a similar length of time.


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Oh my, I've just realised that I've been here for just over 5 years.

I discovered SGL just after getting a telescope for my 40th and was a lurker for a while before actively joining in.

I've enjoyed every minute and have enjoyed putting faces to names at Lucksall.

Thanks all for making this such an enjoyable place to be.

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4 hours ago, Davey-T said:

There used to be a brief history of SGL somewhere on here.

Only been here 8 years, didn't join officially until after I retired as didn't have the time but lurked a bit before that.


I’d like to read that. 

3 hours ago, John said:

SGL is a little bit older than that. Helen and I joined around the same time, about 14 years ago. I think the forum had been around for a year or so before that. The earliest member that I can find joined in June 2005. I joined in November of that year. I think back then FLO was pretty much a one-person business working from their house ?

I ought to say that I've been a member of the other forum mentioned above for a similar length of time.

OK, thanks.  So am I right in thinking SGL was started by FLO and is moderated by good folks in the community?  Is it still owned by FLO? 

Sorry, I hope all this isn’t considered inappropriate to ask. I’m just curious. 

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6 minutes ago, Ouroboros said:

I’d like to read that. 

OK, thanks.  So am I right in thinking SGL was started by FLO and is moderated by good folks in the community?  Is it still owned by FLO? 

Sorry, I hope all this isn’t considered inappropriate to ask. I’m just curious. 

No, SGL was set up by Ant, Rob and Russ in mid 2005.  Steve was an early member.  Steve started FLO a bit later.  But then FLO's financial support allowed the forum to grow and thrive 😎



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It's the incredible talented people here who are so willing to help newcomers learn about this wonderful hobby that make the SGL work and last.

The short time I've been allowed to associate with you I've come to realize regardless of where we call home, we all have so many things in common!

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32 minutes ago, Helen said:

No, SGL was set up by Ant, Rob and Russ in mid 2005.  Steve was an early member.  Steve started FLO a bit later.  But then FLO's financial support allowed the forum to grow and thrive 😎


Thanks, Helen. It’s good to know some history.  Thank goodness they started this great site. 

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