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Show me your eyepiece/accessories case, please.


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Excellent thread!

Here's my beginners Mk1 Maplin's case. The moment I put it down to take a photo the little one was ready to check it out  :smiley:

and here's the case contents - Maxvision 16, 20, 24, 28 - ES 8.8, WO binoviewer, Focal extender and Cheshire.

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I see you have the new TeleVue eyepiece, the Talisker, it has a very interesting lens element arrangment with triples and doubles in combination.


Sees a lot of use, but the views can get badly blurred after long sessions.


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Having finally got round to realigning the objective lens assembly (again) on my repaired Bresser 6" frac I decided to start building up a small collection of 2" EPS and accessories, starting a bit back with the Opticron diagonal, and most recently the Revelation 2x ED Barlow and a 30mm GSO.

Also decided to take out the 10mm and 25mm stock SW MAs from my EP case as they don't get used. That leaves more space, but not enough for the 2" stuff, and shows up the glaring lack of a decent low power 1.25".

This can only end badly for my bank balance.



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The thread that goes on and on!

c9dfded1 f28f 44d5 8d44 68de348b1188

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 I rescued my case from the works recycling bin - I could believe they were gonna chuck it, or that I spotted it before they did. I was home to a borescope, now houses something far nicer. The TV stuff is permanent, the MaxVision may have to give way to a Vixen SLV that is on its way to me, and there's room for one or two more goodies - you know how it is! :wink:

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Through the wonder of birthdays and Christmas my collection has grown a little. :)

I have a small collection of 4 Seben filters too which I gather are not entirely high on street cred here...although they seem identical to every other GSO wratten filter as far as I can see and perform very well. I have had some lovely views of Jupiter using them. The only irritation being Seben have stamped their name on the side but not the number which makes sorting them in the dark a tad tricky.


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