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Photos added?. . My Astro dreams have come true?

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Sorry Dave, i dont get the Tak craze that is running riot on here..................but that FS128 looks gorgeous on the Tak mount, you lucky fellla, i wait wit baited breath  for your first light...........congrats on this

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Wow! I had a big hunch you were getting a Tak, but thought it would be a Tak 100, not a big boy like the FS128, the mount too!

What a wonderful thing, a big congratulations from me Dave, all I can say is enjoy....that might be an understatement! :) 


p.s. for a while I thought you might be getting a Vixen 115s!


Edited by Chris Lock
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Brilliant stuff Dave. I'm really pleased you have managed to go through with this purchase! I can see you having many, many happy nights together :). Can't wait for your first light report.

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Thanks so much for all your kind comments!?. They are so appreciated..

Just got home with the scope (the photo was taken on my phone at the sellers house) and am tired out but exhilarated.

I'll post more photos and info in the next few days.


Thanks again to all.


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2 hours ago, F15Rules said:

Mint Takahashi FS128 on Tak EM2 mount.

My heartfelt thanks to Tony for waiting for so long until I could proceed with the purchase, and to my wonderful wife Heather for her loving support.

Can't quite believe it..



...and speaking personally, an era comes to an end. I am truly sad that after 18 years I actually let the scope go, but happy in the knowledge that it has gone to Dave; someone who will use and cherish it like I never seemed to have time to.  Congratulations Dave, and nice meeting you, I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with it.


2 hours ago, YKSE said:

Congratulations to the fabulous scope, Dave, I think you can give the magic word "I'm done" a proper meaning after this beauty.:smiley:

That's two words or three technically. XD

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I hope you have fun with it and lots of clear skies.  It looks just like the sort of classic telescope that as a child you envisage a telescope should look like.  Apologies to other Dob relector converts, but they don't have that classic telescope look about them like the one here does do they?

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........looks like a great setup you have  there, often things come to those who wait, however its the overall image that interests me as a way of describing storage space?

I often suggest that my  8" Skyliner, fully setup,  takes up  about the surface area of a kitchen chair!
Unless those chairs are miniatures, an EQ takes up quite an acreage of space!

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I realise that this probably can't happen but it would be so interesting to put the FS128 alongside the TMB / LZOS 130 F/9.2. :icon_biggrin:

I was looking hard for a FS128 when the TMB / LZOS came up nearby and at a good price but the impression that I gained in doing my research is that both scopes are right at the top of what has been produced for amateurs for the purposes of visual astronomy in the 5 inch refractor category over the past decade or so.

I'm really looking forward to reading your reports on using this scope Dave :thumbright:


Edited by John
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