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Everything posted by Charic

  1. Anything here that might help http://connector.pinouts.ru/6_pin_RJ12_6P6C_male/
  2. Probably reached the optical limits of the scope or its fragility, and not forgetting the seeing conditions. Even my scope is limited by the seeing conditions, but when its not so good, I back off the power, or even go back inside.
  3. If you still have the Bresser, would your eldest not be blown away, as you were, from your own recollection. I like the first two responses to this thread. The 150P Skyliner Dobsonian, or better still the 200P Skyliner will really blow your socks off when looking at the Moon. Jupiter will be about the size of a small pea, but when conditions allow, the rings will be visible as are Jupiter's moon shadows, when a transit occurs?
  4. I gave up with the old laptop, still in cupboard, and Mrs has her new Chromebook, but there's every possibility I'll tinker further with the old Acer. Next, the Samsung EVO 850 SSD is a possible 'upgrade' for my old W7 Intel Core Q8300 system. Not purchased yet, but needing the 1TB option, so I can clone the existing 1TB HDD. It's probably the cheapest upgrade over buying a 2019 PC. Its just to run FSX!
  5. I've tried the TeleVue Delos, given their background and the many positive reports they get, but found them to be no better visually for my needs. True, to some, TeleVue are better, defo more expensive and with their 20mm eye relief, and their Dioptrx system, they're still a good eyepiece, but for me the benefits might have been more observable on a much faster scope? I've even decided that after testing several Plössl's and ortho's I really don't need my existing Plössl's anymore in favour of just keeping the Starguiders. The BST's won't favour everyone, but a lot of users have the same or similar combination of f/6 skyliner and a few Starguider EP's. I know the Starguiders were not created specifically for my scope, but the combination does work very well, and their comfortable too. Like you said "I don't think the BSTs would ever be a bad choice" if anyone is considering the same/similar setup.
  6. Thankyou . Nothing changed here since my last text, but I've noted already that the embedded link has been updated with both http text's now showing https. I copy pasted the whole link again, but still its showing my original 00Hrs image rather than that of 1400 Hrs today! You're probably aware of this already! Grant, Unless I'm wrong, I'm expecting to see the current conditions just by looking at the avatar in my signature, without actually clicking on the avatar itself.
  7. IndianAstroboy, Hello and welcome . I have the same telescope and for my needs the eyepieces in my signature all work very well on this scope. The BST Starguiders are my favourites, they don't provide a 6mm but I wanted a 6mm to match the scopes focal ratio f/6, so went for the William Optics 6mm SPL. In general, from my experience, any 8mm and a 12mm eyepiece would give good results on this scope, providing your comfortable yourself with the eyepiece in question, and you dont need to spend a fortune to get good results from a Skyliner, and for wider field's of view,( possibly in two inch format) My choice was the Skywatcher Panaview 32mm.
  8. Copied the whole link including brackets?..added the 's' to make 'https:'
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong? If I click on my clearoutside image in my signature, it defaults to the clearoutside.com web page and sure enough the data is updated. My reference earlier was to the image within my signature block. It's over an hour since I last embedded that image yet the image still remains the same, no update. If the clearoutside.com page is able to update my signature image, then I'm still setup wrong. It was my impression that just looking at the signature alone would give me the information required.
  10. Cheers grant, I've embedded the small forecast, second option for forums.
  11. Thick as *Fog* or what, and not the clouds! I'm sure I might be the only one, and yet its been four Years since my reference above, so I really don't mind mentioning the fact (in order to help others) just in-case someone has even 'thought the same' but dared to ask? I've only just realised, now, tonight, that the Clear Outside Avatar in my signature does not auto-update! the image is static....Doh! I'm certain too that this fact has even curtailed a few observing sessions due to my ignorance lol. ?
  12. Mrs C is saying too old, too heavy and too slow! ..................I do hope she's referring to the laptop? Anyhow, four days later , even the thought of buying her a simple Chromebook for her needs is not fraught without complications and decisions, and availability seems to be an issue too. Its great that Currys PC World have them on display but why is nothing ever in stock, Grrrrrr!! I'm sure I'll find a reason to use the old acer, but for now its back on the shelf.
  13. Dangerous territory for me, as I don't fully understand Linux ( I have Google to help me? ) but my present Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is taking something like 2.30 mins to boot, on reaching the icon filled launcher. A quick update of the HWE stack ( Googled ) has reduced my boot time to 1.35 mins, so something has worked in the right direction. I'll sleep better tonight, lol
  14. I tried Linux Ubuntu some time back on an old Vista populated Acer Laptop! Its still on there, but if recall, the PC was very slow, especially by todays standards, but Mrs C is wanting a 'keyboard' and a 'mouse' option rather than tapping her fingers on a Tablet, so I might find some time this week(end) to boot the laptop up and either upgrade or just do the whole install once again. I do also recall Ubuntu looking something similar to an apple screen and the difference when mousing? single vs. double clicks. Now I own a Mac, the similarity is uncanny. This thread has given me some incentive to try again with the old Acer. I also have two W7 PC's that I'm presently setting up to work in tandem, networked, to run a specific MicroSoft 32bit program, even though the PC's are 64bit OS. I'd like a newer i7 7700K based PC setup, but once you have a Mac, do you go back!!!!!
  15. Huge difference, using same old iPhone. The Summer up here is just too bright, but now its getting darker, it has to be better this season! I did not for one moment think I would be applauding the new street lights. Here's the left and right view. The left view will be troublesome maybe, once those leaves have dropped, the LED will be more noticeable, and the view to the right is just spoilt by the Trees, covering the Moon.
  16. On certain nights here in Scotland, the skies are awash with Starlight ( more-so away from the houses and street lights ). Starlight bright enough to cast body shadows, no that's weird.
  17. Same view as above, but two Months later, and the new street lights (LED) have made a big difference to my plot. The original large sodium bowl is now a simple spot. The 'runway' lights are just patio edge decoration, which can be switched off.
  18. I 'm not sure I could keep very still whilst standing in the dark next to my Skyliner, yet I find the Skyliner to be the perfect height for observing whilst seated. Thats the reason I've never bothered with raising the scope off the ground on a water butt as many folk suggest! however, my newest DIY screen is a little too high, so a butt may be the answer, or better still, I'll just modify one of the panels, or buy another panel with less height. As for M31, it's nothing spectacular from my garden, however, away from the house, darker site, something magical occurs? its as if Im using a better scope, such is the difference between the two extremes of viewing. You might feel the need a wider AFOV when M31 fills your eyepiece. Good luck with the Skyliner.
  19. Dew shield not really needed on my scope as the OTA itself acts a a good shield. The main reason I have used a shield on the scope is to prevent unwanted light from entering the scope.
  20. For scopes I thought the norm was 1.5 times the aperture, but no harm in experimenting. Dew itself, I just go indoors and wait another night, if the scope is dripping wet. Not noticed much dewing with my binoculars, so not had to retreat indoors just yet!
  21. Here's a staged shot in the living room, but it works just as well outside, just dont tell Mrs C that I'm still using the chair ( its the perfect height for my neck & head) https://stargazerslounge.com/gallery/image/29452-manfrotto-binocular-setup/
  22. One of the most useful accessories I've ever owned, so yes, a good investment, because squeezing a fully adjustable trigger grip on a ball head is far more convenient than unlocking the pan & tilt levers on my other head, and the trigger grip is a one handed operation. When I looked for a trigger, I came across many positives over Manfrotto's build quality, but their 222 was discontinued, yet it just so happened, someone had a 'spare' 222 trigger grip laying idle, I was lucky, the cost was low, and its a decent bit of kit. I wasn't doubting how much your going to spend on the Ravelli. These days, many of the more expensive tripods are headless, meaning even more expense, after deciding on which head to purchase,so a complete setup for under £60 is/sounds like a bargain. With many brands to choose from, there will always the favourite or recommended version? I've only ever used this one, sorry if there was any doubt from my original reply. A rock steady view makes a huge visual difference ?
  23. Paul, I've got an expensive all singing pan and tilt system on my three legged thing ( honestly, thats what their called ?) and it hardly ever gets used, but my Manfrotto 222 is always in use when I'm using binoculars, even on my 8x40's? Just makes the entire view that much more stable, making the image appear sharper. Once setup the binoculars stay exactly where I place them. For me, the Manfrotto 222 is a solid bit of kit, discontinued now, but if anyone comes across one, I'd surely recommend their purchase. You should clearly see and feel the difference whilst using a trigger grip.
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