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Telescope attacked


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I just had a little session last night showing my partner the Orion Nebula and Pleiades. We were on my second floor balcony and we caught the attention of a passer-by who stared at us for a couple of minutes then suddenly flung a stone at us, smashing the outside pane of the living room window. It narrowly missed my head and the telescope too. I can't believe how senseless it is. 


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9 minutes ago, domstar said:

@scotty38 Not a word. Just stood and stared. It was a bit weird but I was very surprised when I heard the bang and the glass crashing.

I guess that's even worse with no explanation why. I cannot understand that if someone had an issue so intense they'd do this but not say something beforehand, truly bizarre but glad you'e ok.

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Sorry to hear this.  either a complete moron or some-one who thought you were spying on him or others with your telescope.

Glad your scope was unharmed and the insurance will cover the window, but it's all unecessary hassle and stress.  What did the police say?


Edited by carastro
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I agree with Carole. When I was in my teens (many moons ago now) and long before the current epoch of the internet age whenever I mentioned to anyone I have a telescope to do astronomy there was always a wink-wink-we-know-what-you-use-that-for, the inference been I was using it to be the proverbial peeping Tom. Sounds like this moron thought the same too perhaps. Glad you didn’t get hurt in the incident. 

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@carastro The police just took my details. There isn't much for me to spy on in that direction. It was a very strange thing. He was obviously a no-gooder but I would've guessed verbal abuse is the first step not smash my window/scope/face right in front of me.

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Moronic selfish behaviour, particularly upsetting as an attack on your own home.  I hope it does not put you off domstar; I would be ready with a camera just in case the idiot tries it again. 


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So sad to hear of this attack.

Complete ignorance and stupidity on the part of the culprit.

Thank goodness neither of you were hurt, and I hope your insurance does cover this mindless act.

Please don't let it put you off our wonderful hobby, and give our best wishes to your partner too🤗.


Edited by F15Rules
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I put up cheap black curtains when I observe, mainly to block light from neighbors' houses, but also to prevent people from observing me.  I don't care for outreach so I don't want visitors and I don't need some clown calling in a "peeper" report.

I agree with the suggestion of installing a security camera on your balcony, but I'd still consider some kind of privacy screen.  Aside from privacy, they could stop low velocity projectiles as well.

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3 hours ago, Physopto said:

There are no proper penalties for criminal behavior anymore

Exactly right, while walking home through the paths at the back of our house this afternoon we saw a lot of people standing outside their houses, which was a bit unusual. Seems some kids had walked along catapulting stones and smashing about 6 houses windows. The police know where to look for them, but I doubt they will bother based on their ages. ☹️

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So sad! I'm am glad you or your partner suffered no harm. Flying glass could have caused serious injuries. 

Over here there is so much, lack of respect in so many of the past two generations. Not just kids these days, but their parents as well.

It's all about "me"!

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I'm glad you are both ok. That is really shocking.

I've never experienced something like that. Sometimes I sense curious people glancing through the cracks in my fence when slewing the scope at night. One time around midnight,  I saw a middle aged  couple reach up over the fence and remove a cutting from my cherry tree, unaware I was at my telescope. I said, 'Sorry but that's my tree' and the both ran away! They must have got a real fright 😆

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That is just bizarre behaviour. I mean why? :icon_scratch:

It seems to me that the world is getting more and more odd, not just with this sort of thing, but many things. It always makes me wonder if more and more people have severe mental health difficulties, many border line personality disorders. I cannot see it getting better either any time soon, if what I see resulting from the pandemic is anything to go by... :sad:

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