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just joined and fairly new to stargazing. I'd been collecting and restoring binoculars over the past year or so, learning something new and all that. So I also started looking at the stars at night, since the back garden is reasonably dark and faces WSW, had some lovely views of the moon and Orion and the nebula with the 10x50 and 15x50 binos. Will admit I'm just a casual observer, just enjoying looking at what's around our little blue planet and deeper into space.

I then decided that I'd venture into telescopes too, since looking up above with binoculars isn't the most comfortable way to enjoy the skies and I guess being me I launched out and got:

National Geographic baby dob 76/350 (yeah I know, but for a few £1 coins it's not bad after tuning it a little and using better EPs)

SkyWatcher 130EQ (Nice hardly used, long tube with RA clockwork drive)

TAL-M (1994, needs repaint but a nice solid scope in original wood case but missing the 25mm eyepiece, filters, end caps and wrench)

So far I've managed a little use of the first 2 scopes and they work pretty well, obviously the SW gives a better view than the tiny NG but even that isn't bad now I've tweaked things a little. Plan in the longer term is to pass the little NG on to my grandaughter if she gets interested enough at watching the moon etc ?

Sadly the TAL-M hasn't had any star use (yet) as ts been all clouds since I acquired it. I plan to strip this down and restore it over time, just a repaint really and sort new end caps for the main tube. Seems standard 1.25 EP's will fit it just fine, but won't come to focus unless using the barlow, not enough in travel. Having read around on the web, I tried the fix of moving the mirror up using longer screws and that worked fine. BUT - I forgot that the Tal-M uses the EP for the finder and that won't come to focus with newer EPs fitted. Oh well, time to think about viable options I guess, either see if the finder can be modified in some way or just switch the original EP to aim and then use newer EP for viewing...

I posted a wanted ad for the Tal 25mm eyepiece so hopefully one may come up and make the scope complete, can but try ?


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Hi Dave and a very warm welcome to the Lounge. Nice to see a TAL M on show :)

There was a Tal 25mm eyepiece for sale a while back on ABS. They do come up frequently, so it's just a matter of waiting.



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thanks Steve, will keep an eye open for one, I bought the M as a project since I like fettling things ? Was after a Tal-1 but it went so I got the SW130 and then this one turned up so I figured why not. Could be a handy scope to use if I do head out to darker locations or when round at family since it packs away neat and secure in the case for travel.

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1 hour ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

Hi Dave from another newbie. That's quite a collection you've amassed already!


yeah too good to let pass by at the prices I paid, right place right time I guess. The little one was kinda a future gift to the grandchild if she shows any interest but is also handy for a quick carry out for a look-see. Just tried the TAL-M briefly on the moon and stars, looks like I got it collimated ok after messing with shifting the mirror up the tube which is good to know, views are real nice with it too ? Tho it is a pain swapping from the TAL EP to sight via the finder and then to my other EPs to view. Can't use the barlows now either, the TAL one won't come to focus and the regular SW one won't sit in the TAL focuser tube. Oh well, some things to think about on this one...

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11 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

Welcome Dave, hope you don't sucume to aperture fever, lol. Enjoy. 

Thats a given for sure!... lol

Welcome Dave. Hope you enjoy your time here. Rob

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thanks all 🙂

Yeah aperture fever, I may well get there eventually but I think for the moment the SW130EQ will suffice, especially give this is a small house with little storage space, tho the conservatory helps a lot. The little TAL-M seems to work well too and packs away in its wood case which is a plus. Have managed to sort replacement end caps for it now, modified a 110mm tube end cap and a nitrile bearing cap EC110x12 is a nice fit over the tube at the mirror end, almost tempted to get another for the open end now too. Just need to decide the best route for using the newer EP's  and then sort repainting it.

Even the tiny NG 76/350 isn't bad, well to my inexperienced eye lol. After tweaking the secondary location so its now central under the focus tube it shows a reasonable image so long as you don't try to push the mag too much. Added a plate under it so it can mount onto a video tripod but its far to shakey when focusing either on the tripod or sat directly on the concrete steps, need to ease the focuser to make it smoother I think, but once in focus its not too bad 🙂

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Welcome to SGL, Dave!

I'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying Astronomy so far!

Just know that in this hobby there'll be some ups and downs, and mistakes are inevitable– which, in fact, are good factors, because mistakes made in the beginning stages of this hobby will result in less frustration in the near future!

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