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Telescope House


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  • 2 months later...


Ordered new eyepiece from the above supplier, arrived within 1 working day of receiving the order! Delivery by courier was due between 11:50 and 12:50, 11:55 there was a knock at the door!

Outstanding service, thank you TH. Have ordered from this supplier on many occasions and never had an issue yet.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I ordered a new 8x50mm finderscope to go with a new Apo that arrived at the beginning of the week. I placed my order early morning on July 3rd (around 8:30am). Just after 2pm I received an email notification stating that my order had been dispatched. At 3:15pm I received a text message from the courier (Interlink Express) informing me that my delivery would occur on July 4th, but giving me the option by replying to the text to move the delivery to another business day which could be a welcome option if you are not there to sign for the package on the original delivery date.

At 9am on July 4th, I received another text with a delivery slot of 10:10am to 11:10am. The courier delivered the item around 10:40am.

A simple and smooth transaction from start to finish.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I used Telescope House on two occasion from Bulgaria and sent items to a friends address. They were very careful to ensure I was who I claimed to be and they processed the two orders which were waiting for me in Hull when I flew in days later. They were very professional and helpful, Thank-you.


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  • 1 month later...

I placed an order for a Chesire Collimating EP with telescope House using their website on Wednesday afternoon. I received an email confirming my order shortly thereafter. On Thursday I received an order confirming dispatch of my item and a text message from the courier stating delivery date with the option to rearrange should it not be convenient. On Friday I received another text stating a delivery window of 1 hour and the item was successfully delivered during that hour.

Straight forward and easy transaction, with good information on the status of the order.

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  • 3 months later...

Sent my new APM in for a service last week, had updates from Steve C, he tested it and came to the conclusion its was perfect :D

Scope arrived back this morning heavily packaged and cleaned / mint... total cost £30 inc VAT shipped!

Piece of mind ... worth every penny.. Thank you Steve @ BCF

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  • 1 month later...

I ordered an eq6 upgrade on friday, it was dispatched the same day, tracking links and two emails kept me informed of progress, was told monday for delivery and it arrived at 9.00am, You can't ask for better than that. Big thumbs up for telescope house.


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Used these guys to order my 200p Dob off. Had an initial problem due to Paypal and TH were quick to notify me so I could get my order re-done. The scope arrived the same week despite them not being in stock when I ordered, which was a great surprise! Great service!

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  • 2 months later...

I ordered some EP on Saturday, they were posted on Monday, they arrived on Tuesday very impressed, Also I had a phone call on Tuesday from them because the courier couldent find my house . Over all very impressed and I will buy from them again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Telescope house are a well known and long lived supplier and probably have plenty of reviews already, so I really only need to add my little piece of customer experience to the list.

After a difficult time trying to choose the right barlow lens for imaging with my 200p - (its best to try before you buy, but with purchasing online thats not an easy way to shop!) and research led me to look at F/ratios etc. and I went for the 5X (for a F5 scope, planetary imaging requires a bigger magnification than visual does, meaning the 5X wasnt as overkill as it sounded) and it arrived nice and fast.

One look at Jupiter through the new barlow told me that despite doing the maths the 5X was slightly over the limit of the optics - there wasnt much in it, just very slightly stronger than my scope and collimating skills would tolerate.

So I contacted Telescope House and tried explaining the problem asking to return the barlow (I only tested it out the once and it hadn't been marked or knocked etc.) in exchange for a less powerful one at similar price.

Not a problem. Telescope house were happy to swap for another barlow.

I had decided that a 3X would work but on asking via email for 3X barlow I discovered they had already sent out a 2X that day. I asked about it and because the 5X was revelation astro, it seemed like the revelation 2X was the logical choice.

This would have been great - the difference was refunded to my account and the new barlow speeding towards my postal address already. :)

The trouble was, I already owned a 2X barlow and hadn't told them about it.

Understandably, as I didn't request the 2X they were happy to make yet another exchange (at this point mention was made of the virtues of Patience & Humour - luckily there was a plentiful supply, with both parties light-heartedly assessing the confusion I seem to bring with me when shopping on-line.).

So I sent the 2x back immediately on arrival and marshalled my finances during the next couple of days and Telescope House refunded me in full, so in the end I was able to buy a great quality Tele vue 3X from them, it really should have been my first choice but at the time I didnt have enough money, so I made a purchase based on a compromised budget and am extremely grateful to Telescope house and the patient shown by the staff regarding my indecision and multiple exchanges that resulted from it.

I am very happy now with my 3X barlow, and with Telescope house. - Without the patient, easy exchange of posted items and the understanding of customer support I would have had to stick with my purchase of a barlow that my optics couldn't keep up with and needed to still buy the more suitable (and satisfying) 3X barlow that I like so much now.

Thank you Telescope house. :)

Hope this is helpful to anyone considering a purchase from them that might not be 100 percent straightforward. :p



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  • 2 months later...

Just wanted to express my thanks to Steve at the service department at Telescope House / BCF for a prompt turnaround repair to our Society ETX125. Great communications & delivery, and a perfect repair. Arrived back in time for an outreach event this weekend.

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This is the first time I've commented here as, to be fair, all the top suppliers do provide fabulous service but I thought this deserved a mention. After the recent price drops on TV kit, I ordered a 3.7mm Ethos SX which (honestly....) completes my ep collection.

I really wanted it for this Thursday, and it duly arrived yesterday, as good as next day as I had ordered it Monday evening.

My delight soon turned to a bit of shocked disappointment when I checked it out and found the eyepiece to be faulty, something that has never happened to me before. The top lens seemed to have some form of either fungal growth or scratching, mainly in the centre but also at one edge (see pictures).



The box and bag looked totally sealed and untouched when I received it so it appears to be a fault from Televue factory rather than any responsibility of TH but you can never be certain I guess.

Anyway, I called them up and spoke to a nice chap called John who very kindly arranged for a box swap to be done. As I understand it, bypassing some of the normal returns procedures as the service manager was not there (I won't tell if you don't John!....). Whilst not promising anything in terms of delivery, he said he was hopeful that it should get to me today......

.....well you know the rest :-). A lovely, spankingly perfect 3.7SX has just turned up, so I am a very happy bunny.

Thank you to John and TH, very much appreciated.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The recent price reductions across the Televue eyepiece ranges proved too much of a temptation for me and last Friday I found myself ordering a 21mm Ethos. Shortly after placing my order (12:15pm) I received an email confirming receipt of said order. Just over 2 hours later I received another email telling me the item was dispatched. One hour after that I received and email and text message from the courier informing me that my package would be delivered on Monday. This morning I received another text message stating an hour delivery slot around lunch time and as promised the item was delivered early within that window.

The item was incredibly well packed in a large study cardboard box filled with polystyrene chips and the EP box itself wrapped in bubble wrap. Inspection of the Ethos showed the packaging had more than done its job.

A nice, easy and smooth transaction from start to finish.

Clear Skies,

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  • 1 month later...

Didn't want to post a negative review of a supplier so I will stick to the facts.

Illuminated reticule ordered. Delivery was missed and a card left, I did get an email saying when the delivery slot would be which was in an hour. Handy, except I got it on the day of delivery so was not aware until I had missed it as I don't have mobile email (yes, still some of us left!).

Re-delivery was available but only on a day from 7am to 6pm and could not be tied down further than that without paying a premium which was no good due to work. I drove 20 miles each way to collect the item and unfortunately it was faulty. The illuminated section did not work properly.

I asked if a replacement could be sent by royal mail to avoid courier problems as it is a very small component. Their terms do state "Goods under a value of £70 are sent via Royal Mail," which this should have fallen in to at £58.99.

Customer service suggested I send a photo which they could forward to Skywatcher to get a replacement sent directly to me but I thought this might be long winded with the supplier involved so opted for a straight swap. I prefer to deal with the supplier, not the manufacturer. Return bags are not offered (unlike FLO who send out pre paid jiffy bags and Opticstar who offered to refund my postage without any prompting) so I have paid £4.90 recorded delivery to get it back without risk of further damage in transit.

Hopefully this will sort it but my £59 reticule eyepiece plus postage plus jiffy bag plus return postage plus petrol has ended up costing me more.

I asked them for a comment before posting in case I was just unlucky (no company can get it right 100% of the time) but two days later and nothing has arrived in my inbox.

Comms were not as fast as Opticstar, Astronomiser or FLO - responses from TH came in 1 or 2 days. They were also very much to the point, one email simply saying in its entirety "regret we do not offer return bags. Regards." Factual but not very polite.

This is not explicitly stated in the faulty goods section of the terms and conditions, paying return P&P is only covered where you change your mind about a purchase which I consider quite reasonable. The faulty goods section reads:

Return of Faulty Goods -
If you believe the goods to be faulty please contact us immediately as many problems can be easily resolved. As already mentioned, you are required to contact us prior to returning any faulty goods to obtain a returns number. If the goods are faulty you can return the goods for refund or replacement. Faulty goods are inspected by our staff prior to authorisation of any refunds or exchanges of goods.

Not the worst service ever but was not as pleasant as it could have been. I would not use them again when comparing the various points about communications and returns policy with other companies I have used. Not paying return postage for faulty goods is not the level of service I expect.


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  • 4 months later...

Thought I would post my experience with Telescope House.

I have bought from them a few times in the past and everytime has been a good experience.
The test of a good retailer is when something goes wrong.

Monday morning around 6.30am I took advantage of TH Astrofest 10% discount and bought some Revelation 20x80 binoculars.
Around 15.30pm I had an email to confirm that they were dispatched.

At 8.30am Tuesday I had an email from Interlink to say they would deliver in the next 2hours, within which time they duly arrived.
I immediately unpacked them and to my dismay the hinge closest to the eyepieces was snapped clean through the middle.
Although all the packing was perfect the binoculars somehow had sustained this bad damage.

I fired of an email explaining the problem and within 30minutes I had a reply from Kerin.
We exchanged a couple of emails re the problem and Kerin organised a replacement and pickup for the first ones.
Although they were very busy with customers and of course Astrofest the swap took place today as promised.

I am now a proud owner of some very nice 20x80 binoculars.

Big thumbs up for Telescope House and Kerin for a fine service, thank you.

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  • 3 months later...

I made an enquiry about binoviewers and although I have yet to purchase, the communication and information from them was most helpful.

So when it is time for me to spend they will get all of my future purchases.

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  • 3 months later...

This is my first experience ordering from Telescope House - Ordered online a dovetail plate around 2PM yesterday and found the item on my desk when I came into work this morning - great service

A friend just last week bought a 16" dobsonian and eyepieces from them last week,  gave him very friendly and honest advice not pushy in anyway - even threw in a few little extras into the box as a suprise.

Well done Telescope House !

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  • 1 month later...

I recently purchased a Dob from Telescope House and was really pleased with the whole process.

This is only the second scope I have ever purchased and the first from a proper Astro shop. Therefore I didn't know what to expect but very satisfied.

I called around 10am on a Monday morning and asked for some advice comparing the Skywatcher 8' vs. Revelation Astro 8'. TH (chap named Kerin) were very honest and ran through the positives and negatives of both scopes and left it up to me to make my mind up. They did have a favourite but didn't force that on me.

I plumped for the Rev and was informed it would arrive on Wednesday, sounded fine by me. They needed Monday to deal with weekend orders which is reasonable. However, the scope was dispatched the same day and arrived by lunchtime next day. Fantastic!

As said before, this is my first dealing with an Astro shop but really happy with the result. Would definitely buy from TH again and happy with the advice they gave me before purchase. The scope is great, high quality and the advice helped me make the right choice.



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  • 5 months later...

On Thursday afternoon I bought a scope from here. It was delivered on Friday mid day - that's less than 24 hours from order to delivery.

Also their courier, Interlink Express, is just fantastic. They give you a 1 hour time slot for delivery and you can follow where the van is in real time on your computer.

Very professional bunch.


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  • 2 months later...

A couple of weeks a go I purchased an adapter for my canon camera on a friday. It wasnt a major purchase and until the following friday (the day i do the weekly post check I had forgotten I had ordered it) on checking the post a hand written message  from my posty (written on a bank statement envelope)  said parcel in green bin, so popped out and to my horror I realised the green bin had been emptied that morning. 

So I rang Telescope house to make sure they had sent it by royal mail and not a courier (to make sure i quized the right man about why he  used an envelope  and not the correct form) and to my surprize they said not to worry they would send another one.

Its nice in this day and age to get great service, I know I have spent a reasonble sum over the years with them but I have always recieved excellent advice and service.

A big five stars out of five TELESCOPE HOUSE well done a loyal customer you have made...

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  • 6 months later...

Ordered a Revelation 8" dob, Telrad and laser collimator online on Tuesday evening from Telescope House.

They emailed me on Weds to say it would be delivered the next day, and included a PDF of assembly instructions.

Scope and accessories all arrived at 9.20 on Thursday morning (today).

Really excellent level of service. This is my second major purchase from Telescope House, and I heartily recommend them.

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  • 2 years later...

Back end of last summer I bought an Explore Scientific 208mm f3.8 carbon astrograph from Telescope House.

This one https://www.telescopehouse.com/telescopes/telescopes-by-brand/brand-explore-scientific/explore-scientific-newtonians/explore-scientific-208mm-f-3-9-photo-newtonian-carbon-hex.html

Since the start of the season we have only had 3 clear nights and after each session I noticed dark marks on the primary mirror - bad enough to have to remove the primary (and then recollimate!) I initially put it down to bits of flocking material that I had missed when I flocked it asthe Rocket blower blew them away very easily.

I also found it very hard to collimate accurately which is essential for a fast scope like this.

I investigated further and found that the dark particles were actually black paint flakes from the spiders which were rusting!

The collimation problems were being caused by the secondary mirror being attached at a few degrees from where it should be.

I contacted Kerin at Telescope House and within minutes I had a returns number and prepaid label.

The scope was dispatched to them just before Christmas.

I got an email today explaining that they had stripped the scope down and apologising for the problems with the secondary/spider and explaining that the entire secondary assembly will be replaced FOC

The scope will be reassembled, collimated and shipped back free of charge and with continuing warranty.

OK - the problem shouldn't have arisen but it was dealt with fairly, professionally and without fuss or argument.

10/10 to Telescope House.





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  • 5 years later...

The end caps from my Explore Scientific 6.7 mm 82° eyepiece were mislaid. I enquired with Bresser UK as to replacements. I think that I spoke to Kerin at Telescope House. He kindly arranged for a set of end caps with the E S logo to be set to me from Bresser in Germany. Thanks to Kerin at Telescope House and Bresser. Really good after sales service.

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