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    East Sussex

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  1. I've read this book numerous times and it always moves me. He has a beautiful writing style.
  2. Clear night tonight on the south coast. Heading outside shortly, but it's pretty chilly out there!
  3. Have finally replaced my steel tripod with a Berlebach Report 312. Looks good, feels good, but I can't try it out properly as it has rained constantly ever since it arrived . . .
  4. Yes, I have the on my dob base and use a wixey angle gauge - it works so well that I've been looking for a similar system for my frac. My only reservation is how small the graduations are for the AZ5, but should get me in the general area I hope!
  5. Well, they're on @Ratlet! Hoping to test them tonight at the weather looks clear.
  6. Any chance of a picture of them on your AZ5? I have a set on my dob, but would like to add them to my grab 'n' go AZ5 rig.
  7. Interesting - thank you. One other question if I may: is the the mount removable from the tripod, to fit on a beefier tripod with a standard 3/8" thread?
  8. I've been considering buying a Starsense DX set up to mount a similarly sized refractor (Opticstar AR80S). Are you able to reach the zenith without the scope striking the tripod legs?
  9. Just seen this on eBay (no connection to me, etc. . . ) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334897344960?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=7QLHfhfzTbW&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=fIm6QpuDRJa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  10. Opticstar AR80S (f7.5) on AZ5 with steel tripod. Observing the sun in white light in this picture, with a Herschel wedge.
  11. No chance of getting there from deepest Sussex today (my day off) as no trains, and working tomorrow. 😒
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