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What's the top of your wish list? And why?


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We all have one thing, the one item we keep looking at in the shop window, be it real or virtual.

We keep telling ourself we can't afford it or do we really need it or what if swmbo finds out how much it costs etc.

But whatever it is, we all know we will eventually buy it 😂

I'll start of course.

My current No1 item is a modest ES 62D 26mm eyepiece. (Rare as rocking horse pooh by all accounts)

Why, I have a need for an eyepiece with a bigger exit pupil for nebula viewing than my 24 APM that is still 1.25".

Sadly not that exciting so hopefully some of you can liven things up a little!


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I rather fancy the ES 20 mm 62 degree for my finderscope. But what I most desire at the moment is a Long Perng 90 mm f5.5 lanthanum/FPL51 doublet. I want a bigger refractor that is still viable for travel.

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I already have the ES 20mm and 26 mm 62 degree eyepieces. The 26 is one of my favourites, it really is superb, you can grab it from my cold dead fingers! The 20 mm however is no where near as good, it is on the way out soon I suspect. I quite like the idea of the 20mm APM XWA. My finger is itching.

What I really want though, is to move to St. Helena. Heaven. Not asking too much am I?

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A pair of Baader Maxbright IIs for me please. I say that, but was relieved to miss the back in stock email yesterday I think it was, so they are out of stock again. Really can’t afford them right now.

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Vixen SSW 7mm or 10mm or both. To keep my 3.5mm, 5mm and 14mm company. When I first got one of these I found it quite difficult to use because of their sensitivity with eye-placement, but I've got the hang of it now and I'm glad I did as they are awesome eyepieces.

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Like @Stu I've really wanted the Baader Maxbright binoviewer but I've put off the purchase as stock has appeared in the last couple of weeks as I'm not sure I'll get 'value for money' out of them at the moment.

Next on the list is a large (12" or more) dob - but I have no where to store one, and no suitable car to transport one to a dark site.

Final thing on the list is to buy a house in darker sky area - either south Scotland or Northumberland as with new(ish) houses built on a previous large garden plot next to mine, I've lost both south and east views and had my local light pollution increase massively. This one we will hopefully manage in the next five years (my wife is keen on a semi-rural location as well), and there's plenty of windows shopping taking place on rightmove!

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Santa I’ve been a good boy, just want..

massive house with massive garden in dark site and huge refractor in lovely dome with Romanesque entrance.

not too much to wish for....

if that’s not possible then I’ll settle for the Explore Scientific 24mm 86 eyepiece I ordered nearly two years ago !

pobably get the dark site home first at this rate😂

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My current wish list is drawn up from a game of astronomy musical chairs. 
I need an EQ6 tripod adapter plate and mini pier so my EQ5 mount can go on a currently unused EQ6 tripod.

The EQ5 tripod can then have my AZ5 mount and pillar taking out most of the wobble.

Then I need a two channel dew controller with dslr power supply as I originally bought the one without. My dew controller without dslr power can then go on the AZ5.

See what I mean about equipment musical chairs? Problem is the AZ5 is an early birthday present and asking for anything right now would get me killed☠️

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For me it is getting an observatory and cabin built out at my dark site. 

Just when I get the property purchased and installed electric and water.....Bam!!!!  prices for building materials have "gone through the roof" )^8

Once I get the observatory built I will start working towards getting it set up for remote operation so that I don't have to drive 200 miles to enjoy the dark sky.   I enjoy being out at the site so I want to be comfortable and I also won't have as much to haul out when I go.


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5 hours ago, Laurieast said:

One of these, now! Celestron 11" Edge HD Optical Tube :D
Need something with longer F for planetary. 


Yes Laurence - exactly what I want, although I would also go for the dual-fork GoTo mount.  The ultimate telescope!!


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