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130PDS Swansong Heart Nebula Bi Colour.

Adam J

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That is absolutely stunning.  What a lot of work and dedication.

I must say when I first read your title about it being your swansong, I thought "Oh no not another person giving up imaging, and wondered why", but then I read your post with great relief. 


Edited by carastro
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I’m so pleased you have finally shared this image with others. As a friend I’ve been watching this amazing image grow over many months of dedicated work in the face of many kit and weather setbacks.  It has now finally done what it was destined to do. Stunned and inspired us as only great images like this can. Well done fella, coffee’s on me....

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On 30/01/2020 at 00:57, Adam J said:

I have not posted many images recently for a few different reasons, one being that I image mostly for myself and another being the really poor weather we have had in recent years means some projects have taken some time to finish and I don't like to post things half baked. But this one is special to me as this is the last image that I will ever take with my faithful Skywatcher 130PDS Newtonian.

My 130PDS has served me well over the last 4 years of imaging and is certainly the best astronomy purchase I have made giving incredible value and results for an outlay of only £159 at the time of purchase. It allowed me to place money earlier than would have otherwise have been possible into items such as quality filters, a mono camera and even a mini observatory. But the search for ever better images continues and it has now been replaced by an Esprit 100 and that is quite a long story in itself, but for another time.

The 130PDS is not the right tool for capturing an object as large as the Heart Nebula, not least because it cant be done in less than 4 panels with my camera.  So I would like to say that this project was planned start to finish but in reality this is a image of the Fish Head Nebula that got out of hand. The image was captured from November 2018 to December 2019 with two panels completed in each season.

Camera = ASI1600mm pro

Imaging Scope =  SW 130PDS

Mount = HEQ5pro (belt modded)

Filters = Astrodon 1.25 inch 5nm Ha and OIIII

Total integration = 40 hours (20 hours Ha and 20 Hours OIII in 600x4min subs)

I wanted to have a balanced framing of the nebula so that the eye is not overly drawn to any single part and so the image is slightly cropped to achieve this. I wanted the spike of nebulocity to the left to push into the top corner so as to balance out the Fish Head over to the right, I also wanted Melotte 15 to be as central as possible to provide a focus to the center of the image.


The image was stacked in APP and finished in Photoshop CS2. I experimented with Starnet a little removing the stars and replacing them with a shifted color balance. I may well revisit this at a later point but I am all processed out on this for now.

Thanks for looking hope you enjoy it. 




An amazing image. You have skills !

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That is breathtaking Adam.  The framing is spot on and the fact that you can't quite squeeze the whole nebula is a plus for me since it instantly draws you in so some of the finer details of the nebula which you have captured here.

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