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Laurin Dave

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Laurin Dave last won the day on August 19

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    Astronomy, Cycling, Physics, Guitar, Travel, Caravanning
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  1. Shorter exposures higher gain and more subs will help.. or a slower scope 😉 Dave
  2. Am away so can't im afraid but if you posted screenshots of your wbpp someone might see the issue .
  3. Could be that you have the CFA settings for the flats and lights incorrect and that WBPP therefore isn’t using the flats .. also check the calibration diagram
  4. Very nicely done.. it is also fairly commonly called Wolf’s Cave.. the dusty dark nebula part is Barnard 175.. there seems to be a lot of light scatter around the brighter stars .. so maybe Pier 3 needs a bit of a clean.. Dave
  5. I think i used a 3/8 tripod adapter ie male 3/8 at each end but a 3/8 unc screw with the head cutoff would work
  6. I did this a while back .. and if i remember correctly the thread for the azimuth pin in the tripod is the same as that for the Star Adventurer 3/8 i think so i screwed it on there
  7. Have you clicked on the cogwheels and set the com port?
  8. Inded Steve I remember that, it was when I was doing testing for the author of the NSG and PMM scripts (John Murphy) ... He is currently in the process of creating a stand alone pre-processing front end incorporating NSG. Quite an epic undertaking! Dave
  9. For those of you wondering what the image would look like if it was processed witgh the stars in ... here it is ... BXT was run only on the individual panels and "Correct Only" ... the Mosaic was then stretched with a combination of Global Hyperbolic Stretch (to my mind a neat PI way of doing Curves) Histogram Transformation and Masked Stretch... Nothing else.. Amongst other things I think this shows just how good APP is at Mosaics.. I think for me the value of Star Exterminator is more that it allows you to sort out and enhance the background rather than de-emphasise the stars (masked Stretch has always been able to do that)....After all without the Stars there really would be nothing to see... and we wouldn't be here anyway! Dave
  10. Hi Olly, I generally do much the same for blending, in this case I had already fully processed certain areas, in particular this one where I had gone much deeper and added a lot of extra higher res data, but I blended it in with the star layer in place so didnt notice the join (lasso and feather method) Dave
  11. Have you considered having one made? Teleskop-Express: TS-Optics custom-made Adapter-Sonder125 Dave
  12. Can't you put the the flattener on the camera side of the rotator thereby permitting the correct backfocus ? This will also mean that your flats are invariant to camera rotation. Dave
  13. Lee I'm no expert on this but I believe the objectiive of LNC is fundamentally the same as NSG.... I've no idea how LNC works but I do know that NSG uses stellar photometry to normalise the images and the author (who is a member of my astro club) has convinced me that it is more accurate and my quite extensive testing against PI's LN and APPP LNC has convinced me that it gives better results for individual frames. However when it comes to Mosaics, I have found that APPs registration and integration using LNC and multi band blending is far superioir to anything I can get Pixinsight to do.. Note that my input for mosaics are cropped, flattend and BlurExterminated stacks.. Dave
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