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There is no hope fighting light pollution locally.

maw lod qan

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You would think that energy saving needs / sensitivity to energy use would lead to the illumination only being used on special occasions and certainly switched off after, say, 11 pm ?

Shining lights onto concrete seems such a pointless thing to do with precious energy.


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1 hour ago, maw lod qan said:

Just talked about this on the local news and everyone is so happy

I think there's a nice contradiction there at the heart of the problem. On the one hand we've got the idea that light pollution marks out spaces as civilised and advanced; the most light polluted areas are also the most developed in economic terms, for example. But hand in hand goes the idea that this light pollution is also decadent, un-natural and dangerous to humans and eco-systems alike. 

Light pollution is - and will become - a rather complex and very interesting metaphor.

Edited by Rob Sellent
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2 hours ago, Davey-T said:

But that's traditional a result of the Victorians ? celebration of progress :D

And it's not 365 days a year is it ?


66 days " Patrick Moore who said, "Light pollution is a huge problem. I am not saying we should turn all the lights out, that is not practical, but there are some things which are very unnecessary. The Blackpool Tower light is certainly something I do not think we should be doing. I very much oppose it." The beam could be seen 30 miles away. Moore called for the beam to be stopped. "

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I used to live in Blackpool and the illuminations are not year round, nor do they stay on all night, but turn off at 11 or 12 pm, can't remember which. Where I lived one direction was a wash out, but the general effect was better than what I have here now. It is Bortle 5 there, it is Bortle 6 here and again, terrible in one direction. :sad:

I am defending neither Blackpool, nor light pollution, just pointing out, it is rarely as straight forward as people suspect. Personally, I hope for and dream of the power cuts I remember from the 70's, I loved them... :rolleyes2:

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Somehow, there has to be a rethinking of how we live. There seems to be a total disregard for "normal" people for whom having to live within their means is a way of life.

Unlimited electrical power, 1 bedroom apartments $1000.00 a month, let's not talk new car prices.

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18 minutes ago, maw lod qan said:

Somehow, there has to be a rethinking of how we live. There seems to be a total disregard for "normal" people for whom having to live within their means is a way of life.

Unlimited electrical power, 1 bedroom apartments $1000.00 a month, let's not talk new car prices.

Fully agree.
Deeply concerns me that I am living through the beginning of the end of mankind.
Waste of food, energy, decadent waste of resources horrifies me.
Steps of soap box quickly :blob8:

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I still live in the glare of Blackpool Illuminations. Unfortunately/fortunately they are a huge tourist/day tripper attraction. Some of whom arrive directly off the motorway rout at the south end of town and exit via the urban route through North Shore/ Bispham. We really enjoy the congestion and pollution these people cause yet barely spend a penny in town :( Of course many do spend their holidays and hard earned money in the area over a week or weekend. 

It is one of the most deprived areas outside of the inner cities and needs every penny and every job the illuminations bring and  I also quite like to see families enjoying their holidays here so I suffer the light pollution with humility. The illuminations are an environmental abhorrence but that has to be measured against the inertia of an impoverished section of society.

Not sure whether the same applies for the OP's case. I quite like the artists impression! ;)

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I am sorry for anyone living in Blackpool. Not intending to insult those who love the place but, I once drove into Blackpool and kept going until it was a distant memory. I like the country and lack of any light outside at night, baring the stars and moon.

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At least here in the UK I think it is worth raising the issue of light pollution locally. I wrote to my local MP who has mentioned the current biodiversity crisis (insect numbers declining by about 75% in the last 30 or so years),  and got quite a positive response which included the phrase " I totally agree that light pollution is a very important issue. "

And with many UK councils declaring a 'climate emergency', now is a good time to raise the issue locally of Artificial Light At Night (ALAN) on the ecosystem.(*)

It is horrifying seeing those lights on the bridge which must be creating havoc with the wildlife above & below the water...


(*) Sadly I don't think they're too bothered about the other aspects, such as generating an interest of science in children & the influence the night sky has had on our development at as a species - i.e. ancient navigation, timekeeping & gradual understanding of the universe)


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6 hours ago, maw lod qan said:

Just talked about this on the local news and everyone is so happy.

If I heard them right, they spent 15 million dollars to illuminate the bridge over Tampa Bay!

LEDS that can change color!

Out of interest, are people asking who is actually paying for it?  Not just the construction cost, but  the on-going power and maintenance?


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47 minutes ago, johninderby said:

At least they haven’t turned the Forth Bridge into a light show..........yet. 😁

 With 3 to choose from could they ever come to a decision as to which one?

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12 hours ago, JamesF said:

Out of interest, are people asking who is actually paying for it?  Not just the construction cost, but  the on-going power and maintenance?


Money? Cost?

Doesn't money come from a tree or out of a machine?😳

On cold clear mornings you can see the glow of the intersections of the interstate highway to the North and South which are illuminated by very tall poles with sodium lamps.

They stretch out for miles both directions.

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