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Everything posted by jjosefsen

  1. Fantastic, well done and thanks for sharing!
  2. I would look into setting up offsets and use those when changing filters, it cuts back a lot on the time spent refocusing. There is an addon by DarkArchon that adds a wizard functionality to calculate the offsets by doing a series of autoruns. Even though my filters are parfocal, there is some change between the filters, so I think it is worth it. In regards to the HFR change, it is a running average pr. filter that you can customize when setting up your sequence. I believe I use something like 8% change over 5 images, and it does not trigger if a thin layer of clouds drifts in and affects one image. Should you get "false positives" you could tune those parameters to be less effected by it, if you so chose.
  3. At the price point this is at, I could see it used for quick impromptu community events.. I run some local youth activities and have often thought about doing some astro stuff, but to use the gear I have takes some planning. And every time I have made a plan to do some of this, the weather has spoiled it.. With a gadget like this I could just bring it "in case it was clear" and it wouldn't really be a bother.. Clearly there are limitations to this thing and what you can do with it, but with live stacking I think it could work for EAA like purposes. I could even see my 7 year old son have some fun with this, and maybe spark an interest in astronomy..
  4. Woah! Really beautiful Goran, brilliant and never seen it before. Impressive!
  5. Wonderful image! Nice processing for sure. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Subject details: IC 405 or The Flaming Star Nebula as it is also known. Is a beautiful and intense region full of rippling gas and dust structures. The red color comes from the ionized hydrogen gas, and the faint blueish purple color is blue light of AE Aurigae reflected in the swirling dust. This exciting piece of space is located in approximately 1500 light years away in the constellation Auriga. Acquisition details: GSO RC6 on an EQ-6 Altair 115M at -10 Antlia EDGE H-alpha 4.5nm 36 mm: 73×300″(6h 5′) bin 2×2 Optolong Blue 36 mm: 41×120″(1h 22′) bin 2×2 Optolong Green 36 mm: 41×120″(1h 22′) bin 2×2 Optolong Red 36 mm: 42×120″(1h 24′) bin 2×2 N.I.N.A. used for acquisition, and processed primarily in PixInsight, with a few touch-ups in Affinity Photo. I experimented quite a bit with different methods of blending the Ha with the RGB data, and I think I have a pretty good method down now, based on lukomatico's videos on YT. The real trouble was making sure the Ha didn't completely overwhelm the faint blue reflection from AE Aurigae. If the weather keeps being this bad, I might reprocess this image almost entirely in Affinity Photo, just to see how that comes out. Thanks for looking! https://www.astrobin.com/dgwfh9/
  7. I would recommend to go down to around F3.2 or F4 to get really good star shapes. Doing it with masks or rings as Olly suggests is a good idea, as you can get nice round stars instead of the spikes produced by the iris blades in the lens.
  8. This was 120s exposures through a astronomik cls clip-in filter. The little cheap canon 50mm needs to be stopped down a little. I believe this was shot at either f3.2 or f4.
  9. Wow that is some nice subs, you are getting there! Nice work!
  10. I have started to dabble a little in some widefield, on my until now fairly unused Star Adventurer. North eastern part of the constellation Cygnus. In the center of the image is the North American and Pelican Nebulas, with their vast clouds of hydrogen gas. Towards the right side we see the bright star Sadr and surrounding Hydrogen regions glowing various shades of Red and amber. Through out the image are hints of brown, indicating vast amounts of dust floating in space. At the very bottom of the image, just visible in the frame is the Veil Nebula with its red and blue-green flowing filaments. Canon Eos 1300D (modified) Canon 50mm 1.8 Skywatcher Star Adventurer 2i 2h 16m exposure time. Annotated:
  11. I think this is a procedural mistake somewhere, but without seeing what you do it is really hard to guide you. But I haven't heard of anyone with the same issue like this. Could you take some step by step screenshots or even better a video? What are your pointing tolerance settings? https://nighttime-imaging.eu/docs/develop/site/tabs/options/platesolving/#pointing-tolerance Edit: OK that explanation you gave while i was writing this, sounds ok.
  12. Here is a YT video for using the calculator..
  13. That curve looks bang on!
  14. Beautiful. I haven't imaged this in a long time, but I don't remember seeing details like that last I attempted.. 👌
  15. Yeah something like that.. I just swapped my power supply because I had intermittent voltage drops, and random disconnects was one of the symptoms.
  16. I was thinking about any hubs as well, maybe there is something there.
  17. Are there any differences in how you power things at home and at the other site?
  18. Try HSL adjustment.
  19. Very nice, and your stars are nice and tight.
  20. Hi, Been a long time since i posted any images, been on a break from astro and having some gear trouble. I collected a fair amount of data in the spring, but I haven't really processed it for various reasons. A constant problem has been heavy vignetting with my small 1,25" filters and my Altair Astro 115M camera, causing all kinds of calibration problems and processing woes. I have finally bit the bullet and ordered some 36mm filters and a new filter wheel, can't wait to use it in anger. Even though I have PixInsight I decided to have a play around with Siril and Affinity Photo, and I found that I really enjoyed working with those software packages, something I cannot say about PI.. So without further ado.. Quick and dirty first process with Siril and Affinity Photo. GSO 6"RC at 992mm Altair Astro 115M Baader 1,25" LRGB filters EQ6 NINA for acquisition About 2 hrs of L and 40 minutes of each i RGB.
  21. Wow .. It looks really good! 👌 Fantastic blue colors.. I do have to wonder about the level of fine details in the galaxies when using Topaz AI Denoise... I have seen it invent the most insane "details" out of nowhere. I am not saying it did that here, it always just makes me wonder about how much it was applied.
  22. There is a bit of internet drama here, basically Juan added this really annoying signing check that will break a lot of peoples scripts. The general consensus is he did this to break NSG, because apparently there is some bad blood there.. https://pixinsight.com/forum/index.php?threads/how-to-disable-entitlement-checks-added-in-1-8-9.18211/ With that being said.. the new WBPP and normalization seems to work really well, even if it is still hella' slow compared to Siril fx..
  23. Also... This video is for the old 1.11 version but it still holds true for most things! You really want to be on the latest 2.0 beta..
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