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What did the postman bring?


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6 minutes ago, JamesF said:

There'll be one for each pier, so three, plus one (perhaps a laptop) in the warm room.  I have an HP EliteDesk mini for one of the piers, but the other two may well end up being RPi boxes or something similar.

Irritatingly, most of the switches I could find that have four connections (including this one) only support USB1 for the keyboard and mouse.  Fortunately since I don't use a "clever" keyboard or mouse I think I should be ok.


Cant imagine what keyboard would need better than USB1 :D Mines a mechanical with LED etc and functions on USB1 fine 🙄




Not sure if it counts as postman, but after a 14 hour round trip with non stop rain, and some angle grinding I just delivered myself this..... bit of a jigsaw now though!


I probably need to curb my impulse control........


Edited by upahill
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1 minute ago, JamesF said:

Wahey!  There's another project under way then :)


Into the barn in the morning for a few weeks probably before I can get started, I got the biggest van I could but there was no way the base was going in whole, so its in three sections now ready to be bolted together and reglassed (or I might find a way to make it unboltable again in the future)

Didn't have to cut the dome though so im glad about that. Still in rented right now so the plan is a temporary deck with pillar through it. 👍

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12 hours ago, fiestazetecmk2 said:

Sorry cannot agree with the above comments about TS optics finderscopes.I have a 10x60 ts optics and it's a very well made unit.optics are great.

It seems TS have upgraded their finders since the one I have was made. The one I have is more or less indistinguishable from the OEM Skywatcher ones, including the "drinking straw" eyepiece, except it has TS Optics printed on the side. To get the eyepiece to achieve focus on the reticule, I've had to unscrew it to such an extent that I need spacers and electrical tape to hold it together.

Their current offerings on their site look rather better: very similar to the APS ones, in look and price.

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5 hours ago, Captain Magenta said:

Baader and Stellarvue as well, by the looks, having spent some time researching this...

Yep, that one looks identical to my Stellarvue one minus the SV badge.

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Berlebach tripod spreader.........for my EQ6 tripod. 🙂

Ah but I hear you say you can’t fit a Berlebach spreader to an EQ6 tripod. Well yes you can with the right bits and almost zero DIY skills needed and the end result looks like a proper job (no bodging).

See the “EQ6 Tripod With Berlebach Spreader thread in the DIY Astronomer section.


Edited by johninderby
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33 minutes ago, johninderby said:

Berlebach tripod spreader.........for my EQ6 tripod. 🙂

Ah but I hear you say you can’t fit a Berlebach spreader to an EQ6 tripod. Well yes you can with the right bits and almost zero DIY skills needed and the end result looks like a proper job (no bodging).

Will be starting a thread in the DIY Astronomy section this aft on the how to.


And I shall read this. Having very recently read of several stories of failed tripods and ensuing advanced yoga moves and scope juggling, a branch of astronomy I have little interest in, this all seems like a good idea.

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Not exactly the postman, but arrived today. Always wanted to try a Telementor, but didn't want the whole shebang with mount etc, so this OTA fitted with Vixen dovetail and the Helical focuser version which accepts 1.25" eyepieces caught my eye.

On arrival all looked good, but I was a little less impressed with the optics, pretty grubby. Popping the lens cell out was quite easy though, and a spot of wonder fluid later and all looks much better.

Can't wait to give this a try out; they seem to have a fearsome reputation for optical quality although obviously it is still only 63mm aperture so, you cannae change the laws of physics as they say ;)





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1 hour ago, Stu said:

Not exactly the postman, but arrived today. Always wanted to try a Telementor

Crikey Stu - another telescope?! It must be getting difficult to move around Stu-towers with all that kit. Looks lovely, though. Looking forward to hearing how it performs.


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a Meade backpack/rucksack for my 're-modded' ETX105, for when I want to travel lightweight, (i.e. aircraft or public transport)...


...the price, [inc. P&P from Germany/Deutschland/EU 🇩🇪/🇪🇺], was lightweight too! :thumbsup:

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