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The Veil Nebula - All of it in Bi-Colour


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The Veil Nebula - a vast supernova remnant in Cygnus formed by a star that exploded around 5000 - 8000 years ago. The shock waves have expanded through space and cover a vast area. This image is 3.83º x 5.15º. It is a four pane mosaic shot with a William Optics Star 71 scope, QSI 683-WSG8 and Baader Ha & OIII filters.

The image is significant to me because it is the first light with my new observatory - a green Pulsar 2.2m dome that landed in my back garden in mid July. I thought that I would embark on a project that I would never have contemplated with my previous, tripod in the middle of the garden, set-up. It has been a struggle to say the least - the process of getting all systems up and running has been challenging. I must thank Steve (Steppenwolf) for his patient help throughout! I am nearly there now and almost have a flawless system. Much discussion with software developers is still ongoing to debug everything. When it works, it is simply superb and I very much look forward to an increase in productivity.

Back to the image... details are:

Ha = 11 x 1800s in each of four panes

OIII = 9 x 1800s in each of four panes

TOTAL = 40 hours

I have opted for a fairly subtle bi-colour with Noel's SynthGreen process on this. I look forward to reading what you think of it...




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Superb.  You are quite right to go for 'subtle' - the image looks very natural and unforced.  It's ironic isn't it that it is much harder to produce an image that does not look like it has had any "processing" done to it.  I wouldn't change a thing.  I only have one question - why did you use a Synth green as opposed to just sticking with HOO?  



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Thank you John, Steve & Olly.

John - I am loving the permanent home for the kit. The thing I notice most is that I can do all the prep work for a project when conditions are not ideal and thereby be ready to hit 'acquire' as soon as conditions are good, rather than wasting good conditions on set up etc.

Steve - I used Noel's Synth Green simply because that is what I know to do and I like the results! I will have to try just using the OIII in the green channel and see what happens!

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14 minutes ago, PhotoGav said:

Thank you John, Steve & Olly.

John - I am loving the permanent home for the kit. The thing I notice most is that I can do all the prep work for a project when conditions are not ideal and thereby be ready to hit 'acquire' as soon as conditions are good, rather than wasting good conditions on set up etc.

Steve - I used Noel's Synth Green simply because that is what I know to do and I like the results! I will have to try just using the OIII in the green channel and see what happens!

Another one to try is to make a Ps layers stack like this:



Using the opacity slider you can then bring Ha into blue (as surrogate H beta) in any proprtion you like. This may be none or a little or whatever.



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Thank you Carole and Pete. It's a target that I have wanted to do for a while and have finally had the courage to give it a go! Yes, Pete, I have had my head buried in system de-bugging and vast quantities of data acquisition for a couple of months. Hopefully I'm very much back in action now though and will be sticking to single pane images for the next few projects!

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Thank you Gina, Barry & Jon.

Barry - you should have a mention in despatches too to thank you for your patience and help with my newbie to the world of observatories questions! Thankfully I really do think that the system is stabilising properly now. The CloudWatcher issues have been sorted and tested. The dome issues might well have been sorted with a new software release installed today. I ran a slave test session today with no problems and a full test just now that managed an hour or so of activity, but ended with a true Unsafe event shutting everything down! At least the safety device systems are doing their job properly. I really look forward to some clear nights now to let the photon-hoover do its stuff!

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