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I started off with a 200P & loved that scope but I was given a 250P Dob tube & although its a bit of a lump it does image nice plus I've had some pretty good views with it too.


I do use it as my main scope depending on the target & whether or not it's breezy but I managed to get these last weekend at Hereford.

17981693578_fde27155f7_c.jpgM106 & other Galaxies. by tich_dude, on Flickr

17972946098_0f191cde30_c.jpgM108 23-5-15 Hereford by tich_dude, on Flickr

Just a shame the nights are short this time if year would loved more data, I wouldn't mind getting another scope maybe the 130PDS sometime in the future :evil:

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Ahem, that's a lizard...

Why is that telescope so small? Because it is my newt.

> I've already got my coat on......

I'll join you.

Well looking at it now, it does seem rather Lizardy...... I was at a country park and saw about 5 of these in a group near water. The information board said nothing about lizards, but showed a picture of these things saying they were smooth newts? Now I'm confused!!!

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That's an awfully big refractor Mike, can it see through those trees? [emoji14][emoji14]

By the time I got to play with Patrick's telescopes things had got a little overgrown and in need of some TLC. The southern sky was clear for observing the moon though, but alas Patrick was in no fit state physically to observe with them. Very sad!

I probably didn't help matters, as I'd kept him talking until about quarter to three in the morning in his study, by which time he'd finished off about a pint of whisky. I have that effect on folk!

He was in fact a wonderful host and a true gentleman towards my wife. After only 24hrs with Patrick, my wife Chrissy had been won over by his charm. That's something I've not been able to accomplish in 37 years.


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Here's my Explorer 150P on the NEQ6 in imaging mode in the obsy.

One day I will get the pier installed. For now it works perfectly well enough on the tripod.


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Here is my contribution:

Another 250 PDS, seen here at it's unboxing ceremony in my back yard. Taken at local midnight. The light pollution casts shadows round here ;)


And here is Ye Olde Fullerscop. 6.25in 

I still have a great fondness of this old girl. She's got charterer! 


I know, that Mk III mount is in a sorry state. I don't suppose I'll ever get round to fettling it. It lives outside under a tarp in the Cumbrian countryside but that's not how it got in that state :(  Anyway, it still holds the scope very securely. 

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