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RIP Sir Patrick


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RIP Sir Patrick. Like so many he has a huge inspiration to me, particularly his Observers Book of Astronomy, which I must have read dozens of times as a youngster.

A very very sad day.

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Thank you Patrick from all your Irish fans, as a 10 year old I asked you a question about Halley's Comet and the care you took over the answer showed how much you wanted to impart your passion and knowledge to others - Lovell, Armstrong, Moore... 3 Giants RIP

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I think it safe to say every one of us have been inspired in one way or another by this great man. Indeed we will all miss him but his memory will live on by what we do as a group and indeed, as individuals.

RIP Sir Patrick, you will not be forgoten...

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Brought a tear to my eye when I heard the sad news.

When I was at school I wrote to Sir Patrick for advice on an astronomy project I was doing.He personally replied to me,and I got a grade A for the project.

Over 30 years later my daughter wrote to him, as she had started a space club at school and again he replied personally.

A great man,who will be greatly missed.I will think of him when I look up at the moon with fond memories.

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A great life, well lived. Not just an astonomer, but also a noted musician, sportman and above all, a gentleman.

He will be sorely missed, and has been an inspiration to me since I was first given an Observer's book back in the late 60's. Let us remember his great achievements; his contributions to mapping the moon are universal and were of benefit to both the American and Russian space programmes. Let us celebrate that prodigious output of writings and radio and television programmes, the tireless work and unstinting generosity to the amateur community, and to education generally. Let us hope his mantle can be taken up and his great work in popularising (but never dumbing down) astronomy can be continued.

I will be out tonight to gaze in awe at the stars with Sir Patrick uppermost in my thoughts.

"Until next time...Goodnight!!

Well said Mark

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we all looked up and smiled in awe

some just listened, with fallen jaw

For fifty years he conveyed his way

that is until this final day.

we've all strode out minds truly fired

knowing well we've been inspired

So lets all look up

and smile in awe

and join this toast.

"Sir Patrick Moore"

Rip Sir Patrick you will be missed.

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we all looked up and smiled in awe

some just listened, with fallen jaw

For fifty years he conveyed his way

that is until this final day.

we've all strode out minds truly fired

knowing well we've been inspired

So lets all look up

and smile in awe

and join this toast.

"Sir Patrick Moore"

Rip Sir Patrick you will be missed.

Well said, a true childhood hero to me. Very sad times.

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What an inspirational man, to so so many people worldwide. The day came today unfortunately and it was met with great sadness but also great fondness of memory.

RIP Sir Patrick. You deserve it!!

Never to be replaced...........

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