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RIP Sir Patrick


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There are truly very few people who have made nearly as much impact on the people of this planet as Sir Patrick Moore did. He will be sadly missed.

I'm going to do the complete Moore marathon as a kind of tribute. Who's with me?

We should definitely name something up there after him. Perhaps a 'Moore's Monacle' nebula or asterism.

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Just seen the news I guess we all new this day would come but its still a shock I can remember sitting watching a black and white tv of the first moon landing when I was about 13 and Patrick's amazing enthusiasm, I think it was at that point that I started to take an interest in Astronomy and I loved watching the sky at night and I count myself one of the lucky ones to have met him not once but twice at his house down in Selsy in the last year and the amazing stories he told us and having the chance to look through his scopes will always stay with me.

R.I.P Patrick a legend gone but will never be forgotten

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Not just a giant of Astronomy, but also of the Xylophone and Humour. I still have all the Patrick Moore books I bought as a kid, including his Moon Flight Atlas.

I think NASA also owe him a great debt of gratitude for his outstanding work on mapping the Moon, as do we all in the way that he championed amateur astronomy. It still astounds me when his notebooks are presented on the TV as I know that I would not have the patience or the abilities that he showed through his observational prowess.

I also still remember him playing the Xylophone and dancing on some TV show ( can't remember if it was Parkinson or The Morecombe and Wise Show ) and could never quite get that out of my mind whenever I saw him. He was so much larger than just a presenter of an Astronomy programme and will be greatly missed by many; even those who did not follow S@N.

All the best Sir Patrick.

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Im am totally devastated by the news, he was my inspiration when i was only 6 or 7 years old, i read his books from cover to cover, Its because of Patrick that im still enjoying my hobby today.

he will be sadly missed, and as someone else has said, We have a new star in the Sky

Paul j

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