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Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)

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i finally saw it last night 😊.  after a week of cloud n rain it cleared low down enough to see it at midnight!  A classic cometary beauty.  ( in scarbrorough uk)

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5 hours ago, kerrylewis said:

Simply beautiful. I really couldn’t believe what I was seeing. 

Got up before 2.00 in the hope of catching it against a darker sky than the other day. After some clambering around the garden I scanned the horizon above distant trees and realised that I could actually see the tail above the trees while the head was still hidden. After years of waiting for a comet that actually looked like a comet with real  tail here I was seeing just the tail! 

After  a while the bright head also cleared the trees to give a stunning sight through the Canon binoculars. Also no argument now whether it was naked eye or not as it hovered about the trees.

A picture book sight through the binoculars- a long arcing and graceful tail curving upwards and so bright near the head. It almost gave the impression of being on fire. 

I didn’t try to take photos, just drank in the view. A sight of a lifetime.

Dragged myself away as the sky lightened and took away a little of the tail’s beauty 

Hello Kerry. 

So glad you got to see the Comet and you didn't need scaffolding to view it!  I headed out at 1,30am this morning to meet up with my friend Mark to view Neowise and I must say it was very clear and bright indeed. I took a couple of pictures on my old Canon 600D at around 2.40am before heading back home and the clouds were surrounding the Comet, but still naked eye visible.

Take care, Best regards, Hadyn

Neowise Small One.jpg

Edited by hadyn42
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I've processed a few images from last night. One with my zoom lens, one through my 80mm frac and one through my 10" dob. I was also treated to some NLC clouds at the end of the night but Neo was lost to cloud for me at this point. The picture of the NLC's is a quick iPhone snap. Thoroughly enjoying seeing everyone else's images and Mike's sketch.





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Absolutely amaxing. 

I have been having trouble with Sky Safari - it won't show c/2020 without updating data, and then it won't hold on to data. However, I managed to get it to show me the comet and was surprised to see it suggesting I could see it in the evening. So out I went about 11.30. 


Beautiful in my 15x70 bins. As the sky darkened it got better and better of course and I was able to see it naked eye. 

I also had an old Tasco 76mm reflector out there last night (I've borrowed it from school) and got some pleasantly surprising views of Jupiter and Saturn too. I even managed to get C/2020 with the scope, but it was much better in the bins. 

A very pleasant hour or so.

I got some pics of the comet on my phone but they really aren't worth sharing!!

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You have to laugh......

Pre-planned my dark site on the moors .....got up nice and early, batteries all charged etc.... all looking good.  Clear weather as well.....

Ah.... Noctilucent clouds....who would have thought..... really amazingly bright...wow....

oh,er....   right slap bang on top of the comet !!!!...and NLC's don't shift that fast either....

1274156883_NOCT1jpg.thumb.jpg.744c2cac845e83c57b6b05c94aa05a07.jpg 761470682_COMET1jpg.thumb.jpg.a7d2326f66be94c40ec45a2fa2f9ea1d.jpg

But at least I saw it !!!   ...yay. ...but just. The  clouds stole the thunder a bit. These were at 3.00am from near Harrogate.




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@Waddensky great write up, that's what it's all about. What a fantastic cure for the stress of lockdown. 

So many brilliant reports and photos here, inspiring stuff! Forecast looking favorable a little north of me tonight so I'm going to head out to darker skies in the car. Route planned to avoid 11th July bonfires here in Northern Ireland and 8 months pregnant missus is onboard so that's the hard parts taken care of 😁Now I just need the clouds to play ball!

Good luck to everyone else trying again tonight!

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23 minutes ago, sputniksteve said:

Absolutely amaxing. 

I have been having trouble with Sky Safari - it won't show c/2020 without updating data, and then it won't hold on to data. However, I managed to get it to show me the comet and was surprised to see it suggesting I could see it in the evening. So out I went about 11.30. 


Beautiful in my 15x70 bins. As the sky darkened it got better and better of course and I was able to see it naked eye. 

I also had an old Tasco 76mm reflector out there last night (I've borrowed it from school) and got some pleasantly surprising views of Jupiter and Saturn too. I even managed to get C/2020 with the scope, but it was much better in the bins. 

A very pleasant hour or so.

I got some pics of the comet on my phone but they really aren't worth sharing!!

I thought it was me... but comets do appear much better in binoculars. :bino2:

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8 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

Totally amazing again tonight.  I waited two hours for the clouds to clear, but it was worth it!  And as quick as it cleared, it clouded over again.



That is a stunning image. Aside from the wonderful detail in the comet's tail, and all the stars when zoomed in, I love the standing stones and hills in the background. Thanks for posting.

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An animated gif. 26 x 15 second images over a period of about 12 minutes.

Canon 6d. 75-300mm zoom @ 230mm. ISO400. Tracked on a Skywatcher AZ GOTO mount. I wish I'd captured RAW files instead of JPEGs. Next time...


Edited by lukebl
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1 hour ago, hadyn42 said:

I took a couple of pictures on my old Canon 600D at around 2.40am before heading back home and the clouds were surrounding the Comet, but still naked eye visible.

Lovely atmospheric image Hayden, seems everybody had noctilucent clouds last night except me 😂

Stay safe


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1 hour ago, Davey-T said:

Lovely atmospheric image Hayden, seems everybody had noctilucent clouds last night except me 😂

Stay safe


In Spain, it's really, REALLY rare to see NLCs... I've never seen those... 😢

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Wow what a great night (morning)
I Only recently started with astronomy but even with a starter scope and an old DSLR i've seen great views of the moon, Saturns rings, Jupiters moons, and to cap it off last night great views of Neowise.
completely hooked now





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2 hours ago, Davey-T said:

 seems everybody had noctilucent clouds last night except me 😂

And me !
I had a good view of NEO 22:30UTC - 23:30UTC,  thinking "shame no Nocti, but never mind"
and no reports of Nocti here either (at that time)


Should I go back out later and watch NEO circumpolar ?
Perhaps not as this was my first trip out in 4+ months for 'pleasure' (only three other ventures-out for meds)

Looked through some of my 'snaps', saw that I had recorded it for memory* and posterity :) and prepared for bed, , ,
, , , at the same time as @John said goodnight in a post with, would you believe it , some low down Nocti showing !
What a dilemma !
but I decided one drive, and one pleasure from the primary object, was enough excitement for one night ;) and so toddled off to bed :)

* and for you all, not the same as all the other fab pics being posted, but just for good measure this is all mine meown ! Capella (right) beta Auriga (middle) and can you see it just !? :) above the nasty black cloud that had previously threatened to ruin the whole enterprise.


Edited by Corncrake
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Took the whole family over to the Long Mynd and after some scary clouds was rewarded by a stunning couple of hours of the comet, and this was basically upstaged by the noctilucent clouds. Wow, what a night.





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9 hours ago, russ said:

Oh no, i packed away too early. Was the comet easily visible from Portchester? I was looking around 1am in Eastleigh but couldn't spot it.

It was, just. A clear horizon to the NNE was needed, so i went up portsdown hill for a better view. 

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9 minutes ago, HaleBopp2007 said:

I've probably got the greatest news of the history of this thread. THE COMET IS BRIGHTENING AGAIN (!!) 

Oof, that's quite a small dataset to draw conclusions from considering the unfavourable conditions to estimate the comet's brightness (look at the variation in the observations in your screenshot).

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6 minutes ago, CentaurZ said:

My graphics for Comet C/2020 NEOWISE:




These look great! But I think the last one isn't completely right. I don't think the comet was so dim today. A 3rd magnitude comet would not be naked eye visible in the twilight. I think the comet is brighter than in your ephemerids. 

Edited by HaleBopp2007
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