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Hello from the South East, England.


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Hello there.

I am from Ashford in Kent.

In August I bought my first telescope, a Skywatcher 200p. It was a birthday present for my 38th.

Last week I bought the synscan upgrade.... I have no idea what I am doing and I'm a slow learner these days (I take a high dosage of opioid painkillers as I have a nervous system disorder) but I am slowly working things out although I have encountered a few confusing things so I am attending an astronomical society this Friday for the first time, to get some assistance.

I bought a set of Antares eye pieces from ebay, I'm happy with them, they're markedly better than the eye pieces that came with the scope and only cost around £80 for 4 eye pieces and a good barlow lense as well as some attachments for astrophotography.

I'm not sure what else to include. 

Clear skys.



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Hi and welcome to SGL. I'm still fairly new to the whole thing, but you will find this place to be a bastion of help and advise - I know I do!! Is your 200p the dob, or is it on an EQ mount?

Good shout on attending an Astro club - I am doing the same thing tomorrow for the first time!


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Hi and welcome

I have been here a while but tend to read rather than post as I am not very experienced you will find that this is a very friendly forum and members give advice on a wide range of topics.


good luck on your new  adventure


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Hi Martyn and welcome to SGL. :hello2:

30 minutes ago, madMARTYNmarsh said:

...I'm not sure what else to include. 

You could get a red cycle light to preserve your night vision, when looking at a star atlas/chart. Even the 'cheapies' from Poundland, .99p Store, etc., will do.

Edited by Philip R
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Welcome to SGL the 200p is a Great scope lots out there to see get a good book i.e Turn left at Orion.

Go to this address and download the right manual for your mount.


And this one

https://inter-static.skywatcher.com/downloads/Synscan_V4_Hand_Control_Manual_SSHCV4-F-161208V1-EN.pdf instruction manual - Sky-Watcher

Edited by wookie1965
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Welcome to SGL, you have certainly come to the right place for help. Joining a local astronomical society is a good step you should get lots of hands on help. My first scope was a skywatcher 200p regret selling it now.



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I can only echo my fellow members warm welcome. It is utterly genuine, and this place is a testimonial to how a group effort can take a person and give them the knowledge they need.

I am sorry to hear about your medical situation, it can’t be easy I am sure. I hope that your situation does not stop you from looking at the skies.

Feel free to ask any questions of the membership, I have found nothing but intelligent, well thought out and well practiced advice. Without the members of this forum I would be a year behind where I am now.

No question is too small. Often the obvious question not asked is the biggest breakthrough.


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On 25/09/2019 at 11:47, Nigeyboy said:

Hi and welcome to SGL. I'm still fairly new to the whole thing, but you will find this place to be a bastion of help and advise - I know I do!! Is your 200p the dob, or is it on an EQ mount?

Good shout on attending an Astro club - I am doing the same thing tomorrow for the first time!


It's on an EQ5 mount. I did consider a Dobsonian but decided against it as the ground in my garden is very uneven. I also have problems with my right leg so crouching is very painful.


Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I look forward to learning from all of you 😉


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On 27/09/2019 at 07:17, Simon Dunsmore said:

Hi from Folkestone, 

Just down the road! Happy to help any time. I also have a 200pds and Synscan, took me a while to figure it out but it works like a dream now. 


Hello Simon.

My sister in law lived in Folkestone until fairly recently. 

I still haven't figured out polar alignment but a modification I made to my polar alignment scope gives me confidence that I'll have it mastered soon.


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On 27/09/2019 at 06:36, newbie alert said:

Welcome Marty,  I'm from Ashford  in Kent also...  if you ever need some help or just want to meet up send me a message..not too sure if I'd have the answers thou..best of luck and enjoy

What part of Ashford are you in? I live in Kennington, Nine acres but not the rough part, thankfully.

How is the light pollution where you are? I live right near the cemetery in Kennington, a short walk for Long Acres garden centre. My garden would be an ideal spot for viewing the night sky if it weren't for the massive flood lights on tha block of flats outside my back garden, they make it difficult to see anything but the brightest stars with the naked eye; I can't see most of the big dipper as an example, makes polar alignment a bit tough.

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