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Donning the right t-shirt for today

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Half a century ago, I successfully begged my parents (bless them) to let me stay up way beyond my bedtime, and see one of mankind's greatest achievements on a black and white TV.


Wearing this black t-shirt (not the best colour in a sunny, and frankly sweltering Elzas) in memory of that historic event

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I had just got back from my honeymoon 11 days previously, and stayed up and watched the Moon Landing on B&W TV, approx 12" size if I recall.

As said previously nice to put a face to a name.


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I stayed up and watched it too.  By the time Neil Armstrong stepped down onto the moon it was past midnight BST and into Sunday, 21st - my birthday.   I thought it a wonderful birthday present to watch, live, man's first steps on the moon.  The first steps on a body other than the earth!  Fantastic history!!

Edited by Gina
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My dad got me out of bed to watch Armstrong and Aldrin walk on the moon, I think it was delayed? but can't really remember, I was only 5.  

Fantastic achievement, this is what can be achieved when everyone pulls together.


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12 hours ago, Gina said:

I stayed up and watched it too.  By the time Neil Armstrong stepped down onto the moon it was past midnight BST and into Sunday, 21st - my birthday.   I thought it a wonderful birthday present to watch, live, man's first steps on the moon.  The first steps on a body other than the earth!  Fantastic history!!

Happy Birthday, Gina

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 Nice Shirt Michael, well suited to the anniversary of such momentous event 50 years ago. 

I was holidaying on the Solway Coast with wife and two children in a small chalet, and 'NO TV. ' 😮

However, we were only 22 miles from home, and I was given permission to return home to watch the landing on our Telly.  Armstrong stayed pretty calm landing the 'Eagle' but I was   sweating badly,   he sure did have us squirming around wondering if the fuel was running out.   However, it all turned out well, and most of the world watching were able to start breathing again. A truly wonderful achievement which ought to be remembered forever.


Edited by barkis
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Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes.  I've had several cars and two lovely bunches of flowers.   And just got back from a delightful birthday lunch with a good friend at a nice country inn.

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18 minutes ago, Gina said:

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes.  I've had several cars and two lovely bunches of flowers.   And just got back from a delightful birthday lunch with a good friend at a nice country inn.

What make cars then Gina? A Rolls Royce, a Bentley, or something smaller perhaps? 🤣.
Well, you did say cars, but I suspect you meant Cards. Of course you did.
Don't mind me, have a lovely day :icon_salut:.

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Saturday was the first outing of a christmas present from No.2 Son, a red T shirt with balck and white retro NASA log.

It wasn't until I took it off at the end of the day that I spied it was from ther BUZZALDRIN clothes label.

 This one

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