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Partial Lunar Eclipse Tonight


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Excellent view also here, the Moon cleared a persistent cloud bank on the dot of 10.30pm. Always seems strange to see the lack of usual detail compared to a genuine crescent. Jupiter quite good earlier but now deteriorated, Saturn better, surprisingly, glimpses of the C Division at times. Chalked this event up as a "win".    😀

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37 minutes ago, Stu said:

Lovely views here in Esher, Moon took a while to clear the trees but was looking very orange as it rose.

Jupiter also looking nice, Saturn less so.

Seven of us here enjoying the views.

Very nice from my top window in Sunbury too...

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Epic equipment fail here, primarily due to poor planning and a big tree so settled for enjoying it with my eyes instead - actually quite nice :D

Now onto trying to get a glimpse of saturn with t'other scope.

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6 hours ago, John said:

Just watched the original broadcast footage of the launch of Apollo 11. Still sends shivers up my spine. :shocked:


Where did you watch this?

If on tv .what channel please. 😁

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I got some fleeting views through the cloud in the end. Nice view of Tycho with the Moon a pale orange. Picture doesn’t show the colour or detail through the eyepiece. I’m pleased that I managed to see something of it though :) 


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Just finished watching the shadow finally clear the Moon.  There was a little thin cloud here, but in the main I had a pretty good view.  Took some photos, but I've not looked to see how they turned out yet.


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Brilliant view of eclipse from Bristol. Took lot's of image's so be tomorrow at least before I can post them. What a view on the 50th anniversary of the lunar landing, unmissable. Also a shared experience as usual with minty, he usually jumps in through the dome shutter opening, never the door. Don't think he was to bothered about the eclipse as he decided to clean himself lol. 



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25 minutes ago, djpaul said:

Where did you watch this?

If on tv .what channel please. 😁

Youtube. It was the one with the Walter Cronkite commentary. 


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I popped up to our society observatory to observe the partial eclipse - the SE/S horizon there is much lower than mine so I was able to follow events from very soon after moonrise.

I had my trusty Vixen 102 refractor with me and had wonderful views of all the phases of the eclipse that are on show from the UK plus Saturn, Jupiter and an ISS pass down the line as well. Great stuff !

The moon went through such a range of colours from fiery orange to delicate copper pink. The shadow cast by the Earth created a "false terminator" but of course is was also a soft edged terminator with pink light gradually suffusing the darker portion as the eclipse unfolded.

One of the best sessions this year I reckon and a lovely evening spent in a quiet rural setting :smiley:

A fitting way to mark the launch of the first manned mission to the Moon as well :thumbright:

I snapped a selfie of me plus scope on site and also attach the best of my mobile-through-the-eyepiece snaps.



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An excellent description John.  It was clear here everywhere but where the Moon was low in the SE and I thought I was going to dip out.  Luckily it cleared virtually at the time of maximum eclipse around 10.30 pm and mostly stayed that way until the end.  Cloudy for the first ISS pass near the Moon just after 10pm, but saw it on its' following circuit around 11.44pm just before I packed up.  Off to bed now, but will post a few pics if I have time tomorrow morning.

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3 hours ago, John said:





Stunningly handsome, I mean the scope of course 😁

Our club enjoyed a great view that for once the clouds allowed about 20 of us to enjoy from just after moonrise.  Some passers by looked through our scops too.  When everything comes together it makes up for all the disappointments.


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7 hours ago, Helen said:

I'm regretting just wearing sandals when I popped out to check it was still cloudy an hour and a half ago 🙄

I did my usual shorts, t shirt and flip flops right through until 12.30am!

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2 hours ago, cotterless45 said:

Awesome view here , nothing doing low in the garden, but upstairs window and wow ! Our granddaughter was here and just amazed at the view and the colour ,


The colour as it rose was stunning wasn't it Nick?

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I managed to get a quick view as I left our astro group meeting but had to wait some time for the moon to rise into the gap between the houses to the SE at home. 

The colour was stunning, even my wife was impressed and commented that it was unusual for the moon to see the moon with a bite taken out of the top. 

I got some good views through the ZS66 and waited until last contact before heading inside. 

Thankfully I'm working from home today so the late finish wasn't too bad. 

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We walked back from the pub at about 21:30 - 22:00 we got a cracking view.  There was a bit of hazy cloud around it, but on the whole very pleased with the view.  I watched as nature intended, no bins no scope just enjoyed the view for what it was.  Nipped out again at about 22:30 and it must have been about as goid as it got.  We are down just above Swanage atm.

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