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UKAI Alumnus - Starting again...


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Well - where to begin? I'm an astrophotographer, and its been 13 years since my last image... 

I used to frequent ye olde UKAstroimaging Forum regularly, where I was AndrewG, but that name was in use on here, hence the name change. It's the usual story, work, new baby, time, weather, all conspired to make taking pics a chore, and the pastime I loved went the same way as my golfing 😂

But now, my daughter is the same height as her mum, my garden is cleared of a few more trees, my mirrors and lenses are cleaned, and it all has a new shed to live in, and... I have no idea where to start 😀

I suppose that isn't strictly true, I know I have to get everything tested, my power setup - a 12V desk power supply, my mount, a 1st gen EQ6, which has had a SynScan upgrade, my cameras, QHY5 for guiding and QHY8 (original) for pics, and a new laptop needs to be set up - the old one still has XP on it!! So there is a lot to do while the nights are lighter. I really want to do it in stages, but looking at what software I had installed on XP, is PHD Guiding and Nebulosity still a solid performer for guiding and shooting?

I'm not really looking at the processing side of things yet - but I used to use ImagesPlus and Photoshop CS5, but the former is v3, and is quite expensive to upgrade, and I don't have a CS5 license any more (it was through work). I know for a fact that I used to have a column defect on the QHY8, it was recording signal, but at a lower level than the surrounding ones, so I need something that can fix that in post-processing... But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I guess I just need to be brought back up to speed on what's new - I mean, I know my equipment is out of date, but generally, software-wise, is ASCOM still a thing, Carte du Ceil (sp?),  SkyMap Pro, Starry Night Pro, etc - or are there brand new modern packages that wrap it all up into a nice package for us now?

So to those that I might have chatted to on UKAI a decade ago, hello again, and to everyone else, hello, nice to meet you. 



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Hello Andrew,

I remember you on UKAI, I was still a member back then too. I too dropped out of the hobby about 6 years ago. Tried to make a come back last year but it didn't quite happen fully. Trying again.

My boss is just getting in the imaging side and bombarding me with questions as if I would know. Things have certainly moved on. I haven't taken an image since 2008. Everything i recommended was obsolete 10 years ago. But some things are still going that I thought would have been superseded. 

Hope you find your feet again.


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33 minutes ago, russ said:

Hello Andrew,

I remember you on UKAI, I was still a member back then too. I too dropped out of the hobby about 6 years ago. Tried to make a come back last year but it didn't quite happen fully. Trying again.

My boss is just getting in the imaging side and bombarding me with questions as if I would know. Things have certainly moved on. I haven't taken an image since 2008. Everything i recommended was obsolete 10 years ago. But some things are still going that I thought would have been superseded. 

Hope you find your feet again.


Hi Russ, was that your moniker there too, it rings a bell?

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Hi Andrew, welcome to SGL.

Yes ascom is still a thing, so is carte du ceil. A lot of people who guild, use PHD2. Can't help with nebulosity as I don't use it, but I have seen it mentioned on here numerous times.

GIMP is a freeware program that is very similar to PS for processing.

Good luck with getting into the swing of things again.😀

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1 hour ago, HailVectron said:

Hi Russ, was that your moniker there too, it rings a bell?

Hi Andrew, yes that was moniker on UKAI. One of the benefits of co-founding the group, you get the name you want as there are no members :)


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35 minutes ago, russ said:

Hi Andrew, yes that was moniker on UKAI. One of the benefits of co-founding the group, you get the name you want as there are no members :)


Cheers Russ, it might have been you that laughed at my tent putting up skills at that place near Derby, didn't we have a UKAI weekend thing there? 🤪

Thanks for all the replies actually, looking forward to starting again, maybe I'll even remember some bits!

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Hi Andrew.  I used to be on UKAI too, but since I didn't start imaging until 2010 (ish) I may not have met you.  

Most of the things you mention I still use (I am a bit of a dinosaur and don't update things until I absolutely have to).    Though the Windows XP might be the one to replace mainly because of drivers etc.

Most people use PHD2, but I use a QHY5 and still use the original PHD1 as it works fine for me.

I use Photoshop CS3 even earlier than yours, does all I need.  But many people have gone over to a software called Pixinsight, but it does have a steep learning curve, so once again I didn't bother.  

Pretty sure nebulosity still works fine, though there are newer softwares around such as SGPro, and APP also APT which works well for CCDs and DSLRs and is really cheap with good support.


ASCOM still a thing, Carte du Ceil (sp?),  SkyMap Pro, Starry Night Pro, etc - or are there brand new modern packages that wrap it all up into a nice package for us now?

These still function, but I think SGPro wraps it into a package as does APT.



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Hi Andrew, I'd been away from the hobby since 2004. I had to sell all my stuff back then but accumulating again, lol for DSOs I use APT and deepsky stacker and an ancient photoshop CS2. For planetary imaging a cheapish zwo ASI224mc and sharpcap and autostakker 3.

Have fun. 

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7 hours ago, HailVectron said:

- I mean, I know my equipment is out of date, but generally, software-wise, is ASCOM still a thing, Carte du Ceil (sp?),  SkyMap Pro, Starry Night Pro, etc - or are there brand new modern packages that wrap it all up into a nice package for us now?

ASCOM is still a thing, version 6.5... Cartes Du ciel is at version 4 and for imaging a guiding I use APT, Astrophotography Tool... PHD 2 for guiding and GPUSB for the connection between the computer and the mount.... computer wise you dont need anything too powerful so you old XP computer will do.


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Welcome to SGL, you shouldn’t have too much of a shock on how far the technology and software has progressed, first time around I was using emulsion film, manual guiding and setting circles.

Startools, Astropixel Processor and Pixinsight are dedicated Astro image processing packages, in ascending order of price, but all have free trial periods. 

GIMP is a decent free alternative to Photoshop.

There is currently quite a buzz around dedicated CMOS Astro imaging cameras, they are a fair bit cheaper than the CCD alternatives, but require a different approach to image capture. It’s all on this well organised forum, happy browsing!

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I might start a thread elsewhere - but I've had a positive beginning. I pulled out my box-o-gubbins last night, along with the EQ6, plugged in power, SynScan handset and it all turns on, tracks, and slews! A small victory I know, but I remember I did a lot of DIY electrical and electronics bits when I was imaging - to keep costs down, so I had no idea what might have corroded to bits!

I did find out I needed to update my handset firmware, so that's now done, and my mount stickers which I used for my patented super-fast polar alignment method (*not really patented) are all still on, and do the job. I confirmed with the SynsScanInit app, and my little Polaris circle was exactly where it was mean to be! That should save some time. *If anyone wants to know what it is - just ask.

All my pre-tied looms of cables are all in the right places, one for mount, one for camera and on for the laptop too. I need to test my dew heater strips, but I don't foresee any issues with those.

One thing that didn't survive their extended period of shedogenic suspension was my self-printed and laminated Hartman masks. I think I might have to buy a couple of those this time - I remember it was a real bind doing them myself. Oh, and I have a new work laptop coming soon, so I'll be able to use my current one, wiped, with a fresh Windows 10 install on it, to add my various bits of software. Just the basics to start off with, but I've already pre-downloaded them all I think.

So - baby steps - but in all, it's looking good. This is the plan going forward :

1. Laptop reinstall & Hartmann Mask purchases

2. Auto-tracking test nights with the QHY5 - might need a few of these

3. QHY8 focussing and test imaging nights

Oh, and by way of a question - with the autoguiding and QHY5. Is it possible/desirable/necessary to use both the ST4 connection to the mount AND the EQMOD serial connection? What will PHD2 use? And why would you use one over the other, if you choose one?

...and a 2nd question - it's been a while since I've been on an Astro forum, but is the above appropriate content? I mean, is this the type of stuff you lot will happily read !! 😀

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With autoguiding use either the ST4 or Eqmod, but not both. I think most people use pulse guiding through Eqmod, though Olly uses ST4.

These days I think most focusing is done using a Bahtinov mask, FLO have a good selection.

Probably fine, though I'd start a new topic in Imaging.

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Hi, Andrew, and welcome to SGL from another UKAI member (we are a "facebook" group now).

This is a great resource for AP.

A simple Y-mask (I believe the technical term is a Lord Mask) is easy to make and quite effective for focussing.

Enjoy the journey.


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Hi Andrew

Welcome from Land Down Under

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