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Virgo galaxy cluster: take the tour!


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Hi all, this one's a bit different since, reduced to screen size, you can't see much. However, the idea is to open it up at full size and cruise around looking for tasty galaxies. This week, with guest Dave, we added 3 new widefiled panels to the existing top right one containing 'Markarian's Ball and Chain.' That was with the twin Tak/Atik 11000 rig. Meanwhile we shot relatively short runs on many of the nicer galaxies in the TEC140/Atik 460 to boost their resolution. They were combined in Registar then Photoshop.

This is the top two-thirds of the project. The bottom third is still undergoing refinement. We've had a good run of clear nights this week, but a bit chilly!

So please check it out at full size. That's the idea.


Olly and Dave.

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It is a fabulous image, Olly and Dave! ? Just so much to explore and marvel at in this one. This must be in my top three of all time favourite images from Les Granges, but I do love wide field galaxy vistas.

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1 hour ago, Grant said:

Wow Olly, that's awesome!

It might be worth people checking out the direct link to see it at it's largest: https://photos.smugmug.com/Other/Best-of-Les-Granges/i-2L7RDtr/0/a2ff22eb/O/VIRGO%20zoomable.jpg

I tried running it through Astrometry.net but it doesn't like it! :D


Thanks, Grant, that's very kind of you. I'm seriously numpty at this stuff.


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Yes, please view it in it’s full glory, awesome has to be the right adjective!

1 hour ago, Grant said:

Wow Olly, that's awesome!

It might be worth people checking out the direct link to see it at it's largest: https://photos.smugmug.com/Other/Best-of-Les-Granges/i-2L7RDtr/0/a2ff22eb/O/VIRGO%20zoomable.jpg

I tried running it through Astrometry.net but it doesn't like it! :D



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Highly impressive definition. From a visual perspective, Markarian's Chain is viable to contain and then drift through the rest, I like the full size image, not least for creating order, among a holistic and comprehensive overview.

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19 hours ago, Rodd said:

How the heck do you do this?  


Registar does the hard part!

When adding the high res details we first measured the background sky values at the same place in the widefield and the close-up to get them as close as possible in both images. We then asked Registar to register and 'pad' the close-up so that it fitted the widefied. We saved two versions of this co-registered close-up, one calibrated to the widefield and one not. Sometimes one works better than the other so we had both available. But we didn't combine in Registar. That won't work.

We then made the chosen 'padded' close-up a Photoshop layer on top of the widefield and deleted the black 'padding' by using Colour Select on the black and then deleting it.

A boundary is always still visible in places around the close-up, though. So we used Colour Select to pick up the background sky in the close-up (top layer) and erased that. By now the overlaid close up is seamless but you can still adjust its opacity to get the most natural look.

It was a full day's work to process a night's capture, though.


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