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geoflewis last won the day on November 12 2023

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  1. Thanks David, yes, I'd have my phone with me, but whether my wife would hear hers if I had to call for help is something else. I'm also more tired at night now since the surgery, though getting better as the weeks pass. If it weren't for the occultation next month, I'd probably not try imaging the planets for a couple of months yet.
  2. Since my surgery I'm still a bit wary of being out in the observatory on my own at night, but I'm going to have to do it sometime.....😱
  3. Very nice captures Kostas. I haven't opened my obersvatory for months, so need to get my act together before the lunar occultation of Saturn on 21 Aug.....🤔 Enjoy your holidays.
  4. What amazing work Peter, with mind blowing results. All 3 videos are stunning, thanks for sharing them.
  5. Collimating looks ok, but seeing is poor and looks like you have some tube thermals. As Michael commented, the roof location is far from ideal and it would be interesting to see the difference between fans running and fans off.
  6. Thanks everyone, lots of excellent information and lots for me to think about. As I feared, I’ll need to invest significantly more than just the cost of a cooled astro camera to move away from the DSLR, so I’m not ready to pull the trigger on that step yet….🙄
  7. That's excellent to get such an early season Saturn Kostas, well done. I can't bring myself to stay up that late, or get up that early yet.....🙄
  8. Thanks Ady, so just to be clear, are you connecting the 533 direct to the LifePo4, or are you running it via something like an ASIair. To keep costs down, I'd really like to run it direct from the PS, so if that works for you that would be great.
  9. Thanks. I'm looking to move from my modified Canon 600D DSLR, so I'd definely want to use a cooled camera. Which model Talentcell do you have and how long does that run. I'll be using either with my StarAdventurer, or more likely my EQ5Pro. I have a fully equiped obsevatory at home for most of my imaging, but there are some summer targets that I'll only be able to get from remote locations and the thermal noise in the DSLR in summer is horendous, hence thinking about a cooled astrocam, but the costs are adding up....🙄🤔
  10. I'm considering one of these cooled DSO cameras, that are shipped without any PS. My primary use will be with my travel rig in remote locations, where I won't have access to mains PS, so will need to run off power tank (s) / battery (ies). I know that these cameras won't work without a PS, so I'm wondering whether the supply from a Power Tank or Lithium battery will be adequate to cool the camera and run other equipment, e.g. mount, dew control, etc., or will I need to run separate supplies for the camera and other gear, or do they need access to mains supply. I'd be interrsted in learning the experience of anyone using these cooled cameras away from access to mains supply.
  11. IMO these are all excellent observations and recommendations 👍
  12. Maybe the colour balance was already ok...🤷‍♂️
  13. I rarely use PS in my planetary imaging workflow and do not know the autocolour function. I use the autobalance option in the Registax RGB Balance tool for colour adjustment, if I think it needs tweaking.
  14. There is some good data here. I prefer the 1st smaller image, I think the other 2 images are over processed for my liking.
  15. What an amazing project. I would never have the skills or confidence to try any of this, so I hopw it all works very well for you.
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