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Oklahoma Resident


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Hello from central Oklahoma! Though it's not the darkest sky I've ever lived in, being somewhat on the edge of OKC means the sky to the North & West gets some pretty good views on many nights, so I can observe from my back yard.

I've had an interest in astronomy since I was very young, raised on lots of science fiction, and my dad bought for me a telescope before I was a teen. I still use this scope, though it was in an attic in Missouri for years before I picked it back up one time a few years ago. It's only been used intermittently since then, but I'm starting to get more into observing these days. Hoping to invest in a larger aperture telescope in the next 6 months to a year, which will give me time to pick one and commit finances!

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Thanks for the welcomes, everyone! Over the weekend I decided to order some Plössl eyepieces to replace the random assortment that I had, as opposed to making a hasty decision on a new telescope. :)

Going from the "H" style to what I have now was a significant improvement for my 60mm refractor. On my first night of observing, I could count 30 stars in M7. Could only see about 20 before so the image is definitely sharper. The nights have been hit-and-miss due to clouds and haze, but I also got a chance to look at Mars and Saturn. Mars was just a blob before, now it's a blob that I can tell has some amount of detail. Saturn, on the other hand, looks much more crisp, and I can tell the improvement. I think I'm going to be happy with these eyepieces, and since they are 1.25", whenever I do upgrade scopes they will still be useful.

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 8/5/2016 at 11:07, ronl said:

Hello and welcome to SGL, if you need any help choosing a scope just ask, we all 

love spending other folks money,

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

lol, thanks. I always need those friends. It's how I got my Ralph Lauren trench coat! ;) I am planning to buy an 8" or 10" Newtonian probably by the end of the year and have a few scopes in mind, I'm sure I'll have some questions about them soon!

In other news - I wanted to let you all know that my interest in astronomy is still on the rise, and I have managed to find a few objects recently now that I have my new eyepieces. Was slightly discouraged before but now I can see I was using outdated, scratched, and cheap to begin with eyepieces. Now hopefully I will see even more enjoyment when I upgrade since I'll be able to compare more views before & after. I can tell this is a neat online community, hope to interact with many of you!

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On 9 September 2016 at 03:55, Dave In Vermont said:

Greetings, Ryan, and welcome to you from Vermont! Nice of you to join us.

We love questions and finding answers here, so no need to be shy in asking.

Clear and dark skies,


You've been here already Dave ;) 

Welcome to SGL Ryan :) 

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23 hours ago, Stu said:

You've been here already Dave ;) 

Welcome to SGL Ryan :) 

Maybe you should stop feeding the Crocodiles in the moat people have to swim to get to this community. Keep 'em lean & hungry so we don't get enough new-members to confuse us like this?

Anywho - Greetings & Welcome - AGAIN - Ryan!


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