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Everything posted by RichLD

  1. Could be pinched optics, it might be worth checking the tightness of the primary mirror clips. The mirror should be able to move slightly - when tightening the screws, a lot of people put a little bit of thin card inbetween the clip and the mirror, then remove it to leave a very small gap. It may be that the camera picked up the problem but the mk1 eyeball missed it. Always worth checking anyhow.
  2. Shot under the light polluted skies of Howden Reservoir, I've tried to tease out as much of the MW as I can without going too OTT - this spot (53.4426 N - 1.7484 W, 282m elevation) would normally be under around 2 meters of water! ? Mars is visible just above the tree line on the left. Vertical 2 frame panorama stitched in PS. Canon 6D, Samyang 14mm f/2.8 wide open. The top 80% or so of sky is made up of 10 frames captured using an iOptron Skytracker - ISO 2500, 30s, registered and stacked in PI. Foreground and bottom 20% or so of horizon/sky is a single shot at ISO 800, f/11 30s exposure. Thanks for looking!
  3. This could be due to the lens being an EF-S variant (for crop sensor only). They protrude further past the flange than EF lenses. You can't use the EF-S lenses on a FF camera because they foul the mirror. I have two of the Geoptik Canon adapters and have no issues using 2" filters with EF lenses. HTH Rich
  4. For me the pros for OSC are (in no particular order) size and weight, price, convenience and, in the field, ease of use (there's one less thing to go wrong as there's no filter wheel). As Olly has said before, the speed of capture is technically faster with mono and filters and the processing for OSC can be a real pig IMHO. I have 2 monos and 1 OSC. The OSC can take great shots in a very neat and tidy package (great for when I haul everything to a dark site, which is when the OSC comes into its own) but for every other situation the mono wins hands down. Just my 2 cents HTH Rich
  5. RichLD

    HaRGB images

    Captured with QHY9 (HA) and QHY8L (RGB) - dual rig.
  6. From the album: HaRGB images

    HaRGB shot with dual rig (QHY9m+Nikkor ED180 for HA, QHY8L+Nikkor ED180 for RGB) from Surprise View car park, Derbyshire on Saturday 25th March 2017. I managed to get 1 hour 40 minutes before the target was obscured by trees so had to abandon the session - I plan to gather more (much needed) data next year. 5 x 1200s HA, 5 x 900s RGB (OSC)

    © Richard Lawrence-Day

  7. RichLD

    NGC 2264 HaRGB

    From the album: HaRGB images

    2 hours HA and RGB shot with dual rig under dark skies at Surprise View, Derbyshire on 15th March 2017.

    © Richard Lawrence-Day

  8. Mainly WIP, but that's a given, weather in the UK and life getting in the way! HEQ5 used for all capture. Orion's sword HaRGB, first taken with dual rig - QHY9M + Nikkor ed180 + Baader 7nm for HA, QHY8L + SMC Takumar 200 for RGB. M42 and B33 detail added from QHY8L and SW ED80 (approx 1 hour each plus lum on B33 from DSW) Base image around 2 hours so far... M31 captured with QHY8L + SW ED80 Cygnus HA 9 panel mosaic WIP captured with QHY9 + Nikkor ed180, Tamron SP90 and Pentax 135, Baader 7nm Elephant Trunk and Flying Bat HA captured with QHY9M, Nikkor ed180 and Baader 7nm
  9. RichLD

    Orion - M42 and B33

    From the album: HaRGB images

    First processing attempt at data gathered for this target on 28th December 2016 from Surprise View car park in Derbyshire. Base image HA: QHY9, Baader 7nm filter, Nikkor ED180 @ f5.6 - 10 x1200s RGB: QHY8L, SMC Takumar 200 @ f4 - 12x600s, 10x300s, 10x60s (HDR) Ha added to red channel in blend mode lighten (PS) after star removal with Straton. Detail Horsehead and Orion nebulae shot from the same location with SW ED80 and focal reducer (510mm/f6.37) and QHY8L with approximately 1hr 20m exposure each. All pre-processing in PI, master frames registered with Registar, post processing in PS and PI. This is my first attempt using a dual rig and also shooting OSC with a non-ED lens. The red and blue channels were out of focus (no surprises there) and required extensive processing to remove the resulting red/blue halos around stars. This has resulted in the dreaded "panda eyes" which I have had a bit of a go at but are still present, needing more processing work or a mono camera with filters refocused for all channels :-). However, for now I'm quite pleased with the overall result, even if it doesn't stand up to being viewed at 100% or pixel peeping ;-) Hope you like it and Happy New Year! Rich

    © Richard Lawrence-Day

  10. RichLD

    OSC Images

    Images taken from a dark site using a QHY8L CCD
  11. RichLD

    Horsehead reprocess

    From the album: OSC Images

    My QHY8L colour data married with this months free FSQ106 luminance download from the lovely people at DSW. The luminance and RGB masters were created with PI HDRComposition, aligned with Registar and then merged using the PI LRGBCombination process. Final tweaks (curves, levels and saturation) performed in PS - hope you like and many thanks for looking! Rich
  12. Oh dear, hope you've found the issue and that everything goes well tonight!
  13. Gina, please excuse me if I sound really thick here, but is that ice on your sensor?
  14. Bet you could get a cracking bi-colour of the Flying Bat and OU4 with that rig
  15. Incredible result Gina, my gut says longer and less if that makes sense. Given what you have with a single 120s sub, I would love to see what 20 x 200s looks like - deep and wispy I would imagine Truly fabulous and dare I say groundbreaking stuff - thanks so much for sharing your cmos journey so far!
  16. From the album: OSC Images

    Shot under dark skies from Surprise View Car Park in Derbyshire with QHY8L, SWED80, HEQ5, Orion SSAG. 6x600s subs, processed in PI and PS. Thanks for looking! Rich

    © Richard Lawrence-Day

  17. From the album: OSC Images

    Shot under dark skies from Surprise View Car Park in Derbyshire with QHY8L, SWED80, HEQ5, Orion SSAG. 3x1200s, 3x600s and 3x300s subs, processed in PI and PS. Thanks for looking! Rich

    © Richard Lawrence-Day

  18. Forgot to mention that I find that the "dancing circles" phenomenon is a good gauge of the seeing. If there significant atmospheric turbulence it can become nearly impossible to get the blighters lined up.
  19. Nice one Gina - I love my Polemaster. It's the best bit of add on kit I've ever bought, well worth the money if only for saving my poor knees! Pity about the clouds and mist though - I'm sure they'll be plenty of clear nights coming up. Oh dear, I hope I haven't jinxed the weather by saying that... Rich
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