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Hello from north Essex; Evo 8 ordered....


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Evening all

Hello to everyone on SGL from the dark(ish) skies of rural north Essex, between Chelmsford and Braintree. 

After 10 years of occasional gazing through a Maplins Special  3" Meade Refractor , I decided to get serious and upgrade.  Contenders for my replacement scope started off at a Celestron Nexstar 127, before moving onto the Nextar 6 SE, then to the Evolution 6, before being pursuaded by my gazer-of-many years father to bite the bullet and go for the Evolution 8.  So that's what I've ordered and I'm picking it up Saturday.  Although the down side is that it's a Christmas present for me and my partner, and being kept secret until Cristmas day, so I have the added frustration of hiding it in the shed for another month  :(

Thanks to all of the interesting and helpful posts on here and responses to my own post in the 'getting started' forum for providing so much information.

I'm lucky enough to live in rural Essex with no neighbours, so apart from the faint glow of Chelmsford 7 miles away, (and when the delightful Great Leigh's Race Course aren't racing with their 2 Mega Watts of floodlighting 3 miles away), I have decent dark skies to clearly see the Milky Way most nights with the naked eye, with clear views to nearly the horizon in most directions.

Here's hoping for a clear Christmas Day evening :)



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Welcome to the Forum.

You are lucky that your partner shares your interest.It must be really frustrating to have the scope hidden in the shed.

I would have had it out before xmass :grin:  :grin:

When I was young (8) I went to School in Felsted. I remember the smell of Beetroot from the Sugar Beet factory which I beleive no longer exists.



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Hi Ian and welcome to SGL, I`ll bet you are itching to use your new scope, just to give it a quick check to see if every things alright :evil: big temptation. When you do come to use it, I am sure it will be very rewarding and well worth the wait, enjoy the forum :)

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Hi Ian and welcome to the forum. I understand your frustration in wanting to use your new scope but it will just be more exciting when you do fire it in anger. Having a partner that is also keen on astronomy is very useful when you want to make future purchases - there are only so many tunnels that you can dig to get new gear into the house!  :grin:  :grin:

Wishing you clear skies for Xmas and the new scope and also hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Welcome from another North Essex stargazer, although I am a little further North, just the other side of Colchester. There are a few societys in our respective areas so you should be able to find fellow astronomers close by if you fancy a social side to your interests, as well as access to other scopes and different aspects of it all. Your choice of scope is a well researched fine choice, quite a few I know have similar setups and swear by them.

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