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Ethos eyepieces


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Any owners of Televue Ethos Eyepieces care to comment on their opinions of the quality and satisfaction level with there use , are you happy and why? and if not ,why also. Thanks, clear skies.

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Excellent eye pieces, good clear views of the sky (when clouds are not around).  Very happy with the ones I have (8 & 13 mm).  As for downsides, they are heavy for eye pieces, can be difficult to balance with small scopes and the biggest moan, the price of them, but you pay for quality!  Can get a good bargain 2nd hand as they are fairly bullet proof.

Hope this helps.


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I have the 21mm, 13mm, 8mm and 6mm Ethos. As a self confessed ultra wide field junkie they are fantastic eyepieces. Not suitable if you need to wear glasses when observing though. Also an expensive taste to acquire :rolleyes2:

The 8mm and 6mm Ethos, while long and bulky compared to other eyepieces of their focal length, are actually a little lighter than the Delos eyepieces of the same focal length.

If you want to have just one Ethos I reckon the 13mm is the one to go for.

Before I had the Ethos I had Naglers and the Ethos do improve slightly on those in a number of areas apart from the increased field of view.

If you want a great 100 degree experience at less cost the Explore Scientific 100's and the Skywatcher Myriad 9mm are really good too though.

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Televue always have been of excellent quality,a bit steep on price,but TV always been like that.i had 13mm Ethos,but sold it as i didnt need that 100 degrees on high powers,however,very well corrected eye piece and if you are a 100 degree fan,Ethos will be the top range eye piece.Much cheaper alternative:Explore Scientific 100 degree range,will show you exactly the same sky,exactly the same correction and these have exactly the same lens configuration.Equally excellent eye pieces for less money. 

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Super happy with my 21mm Ethos. One main reason being that I found the view through my 35mm Panoptic got washed out because of too large an exit pupil for me with my fast dob. The Ethos gives me more or less the widest view I can get with the dob while keeping exit pupil low enough for my eyes/preference. To me it has similar optical quality to my Delos eyepieces, which I preferred to my superb Type 6 Naglers and Radians on DSO's and planets, which is saying something! I don't know if the Naglers and Radians would beat the Delos for me in some situations, I just know that I was very happy with the all-round Delos performance (though I prefer my Radians for solar h-alpha) under my typical conditions (okay skies).

Though I have Delos mainly, I think the thing that I would love about an Ethos would be to look at a globular cluster at high power with your eye absolutely surrounded by stars. Must be quite a sight! And I suppose on a manual mount there is less nudging to do with its wider view. For cost reasons I am happy to keep the Delos EP's and not worry too much about the Ethos other than the 21mm was just the thing for our fast dob. I must remember not to look through too many 13mm Ethos EP's at star parties... :grin:

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Have the 21, 13 and 8mm. Previously also had the 6mm and 3.7mm

There are multiple reviews of the eyepieces in multiple forums, so you know that you are getting high quality from the onset.

I like my green eyepieces and for me worth it was totally worth the cost, however if cost is an issue, Explore Scientific deliver 90% of the experience at less than half the cost.

Any specific focal length that interests you? The only issue with the Ethos is that the eye relief of 15mm is tight if you wear eyeglasses while observing. In that case, Delos it is.

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I had a look through an ethos and decided not to buy, Optically there was nothing wrong I just didn't like the wide view. go and try one before you buy. If you find the 100 degrees too wide try the delos just as good optically

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No doubt they are fantastic eyepieces but it's a lot of money tied up in a single (or several) eyepieces. I had a 13mm and sold it effectively to buy a 12mm and 16mm Type 2 Nagler and to put some funds towards a solar scope. I have not missed it yet if I am honest. Basically it does what it says on the tine really well. Some spectacle wearers find the eye relief a little tight for the whole field.

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They're ok I s'pose......



I love my Ethoisesses. Don't use them as much as I should but will sort that this year. The sharpness and contrast are lovely, and, as important for me is the ability to use a smaller exit pupil to darken light polluted skies whilst maintaining the field of view.

For some reason I tend to favour the Delos at shorter focal lengths, but for the moment I mainly use Orthos at higher powers which give cracking views but tight eye relief and narrow fov.


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I'm looking forward to trying out my 21 as soon as darker sky's return

(I've looked through one a few years ago at our society observatory and was very impressed)

My only other wide field is a 31mm Nagler..

Mainly into binoviewing these days which I think beats higher power cyclops hands down.

But for when I want a big wide field...I have all that I need.

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I have used Ethos side by side with Delos, Naglers Panoptics Pentax XW's and Radians and they are an outstanding eyepiece range. I have all apart from the two short ones and I will be adding the 4.7mm soon. As for performance I cannot see any difference between them and the other new range, Delos. These are said my many to be among the best eyepieces available and in my books Ethos is as good with a wider FOV.

The only drawback is eye-relief for people who have to where glasses and of course the price tag.

Mr Tweedy,

Can you do that with the mount, is it not overloaded?


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Which one Iain

Ethos 13mm Michael. Whilst the Nagler T6 13mm was excellent, it was mainly used when I had a C8. It became underused with the VX14. However I like this focal length and (ironically) on the 13th I sold the 13mm T6 and bought a S/H 13mm Ethos (which is currently in post). I hope that I can keep to just this one, as I do enjoy my delos 10mm and current remaining nagler line up, as they provide their own particular viewing experience. I would like to feel that this one wide 100 degree field will satisfy that immersive aspect (I hope so!).

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Ethos 13mm Michael. Whilst the Nagler T6 13mm was excellent, it was mainly used when I had a C8. It became underused with the VX14. However I like this focal length and (ironically) on the 13th I sold the 13mm T6 and bought a S/H 13mm Ethos (which is currently in post). I hope that I can keep to just this one, as I do enjoy my delos 10mm and current remaining nagler line up, as they provide their own particular viewing experience. I would like to feel that this one wide 100 degree field will satisfy that immersive aspect (I hope so!).

Oh dear top of a slippery slope.

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Mr Tweedy,

Can you do that with the mount, is it not overloaded?


The C11 is only used for visual so the NEQ6 can handle the estimated 15 kilo quite easily. It did have a problem with a bit sag but I have overcome that with the new wedge. The belt drive is good as well.

It will be at Dalby if anyone is going. 

Anyway to keep on thread I have a range of Ethos that anyone who is at the forthcoming Dalby starfest is more than welcome to view through the scope.

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No doubt, been on that as soon as I purchased my first televue, an 11mm plossl.

Which ones is it that you have Michael?

21, 17, 13, 10, 8 and 2x powermate.

thought you had seen them (and through) them at Derwent.

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