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Your favourite piece of Quality kit !

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Hi All. Recent upgrade of Binoviewers made thanks to a fellow SGL'er. A pair of Baader Planetarium #96390 bv's. Not been able to get first light thru them as yet but if the "feel" of them is anything to go by, I am in for a treat. They seem to be built on a par with a " panzer tank" and just "ooze" quality. Apology for the use of the stereotype but as of German origin, it seems rather apt.

Got me thinkin as to other people's kit and your "favourite item" - not just EP's. Guess the question has been raised before but at the moment this set of Binoviewers are in "pole position" in my portfolio of equipment. It even manages to outflank a certain make of focuser I am lucky enough to have, on my refractor.

A couple of pictures for you all.

Clear skies - John



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Mine would be my Meade 5000 26mm EP. Simply because of the difference in clarity of view between that and the 4000 range of the same spec. For the rest of the kit I have, I haven't had the use of other stuff to be able to rate how good I think my kit is.

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I'm lucky enough to own a few bit's of quality kit. I guess the ones that I admire the workmanship in most would be my Moonlite CF2 focuser which is on my ED120 refractor and my Tele Vue 2" Everbright Diagonal which seems to me a marvel of engineering being machined from single piece of alloy, including the eyepiece drawtube and the barrel, and having a silky smooth satin finish that just oozes quality. My Pentax XW eyepieces seem really well put together bits of kit too.

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Mine's my paracorr. In my f4 scopes it changes the view through wide field lower power eyepieces from coma filled at the edges to flat across the field. also because the paracorr 'allows' me to use a faster scope (you can still use the scopes without of course but the view is so much better with), my scope is shorter, can go in my car and also shows a wider field for a given eyepiece. I was extremely lucky to be able to get this when I did from another SGL member as the price was very reasonable and the condition pristine. I have not seen many for sale since either so consider myself extremely lucky.

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Not sure if you are including scopes, but if so mine would be my recenlty bought (used) Takahashi TSA-102. I've used oodles of scopes over the years, but not a current triplet for some time. This scope is the bees knees as an optic. I wont go on, and I'm not saying it's the best - it doesn't matter if it is or no, I just love it!

Good viewing tonight, looks to be clear, Paul

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Along similar lines, my recently acquired TV76. Built like a tank and just lovely to use. Such a silly smooth R&P focuser......and those retro focus wheels...... :-)


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They seem to be built on a par with a " panzer tank" and just "ooze" quality. Apology for the use of the stereotype but as of German origin, it seems rather apt.

Nice bino wiewers.

I'll agree with german quality and I'll vote for my wooden Berlebach Tripod. Its just so solidly crafted and is a joy to look at.

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Nice Baader binoviewers John. :-D

My fave kit is my TV85.

It was an old one so I machined up a non marring clap ring and retro fitted a 6:1 focuser.

Now it just feels like home.

Rock solid, sharp and versatile. Love it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Such a difficult one.

Was almost going to say my 10mm Delos, which has the best build quality and ergonomics of any bit of kit I've ever owned, but it can't count as I haven't looked through it yet!

Then I got a hint from John's post and thought about my refractor's Moonlite, but the rotation system often seems to work loose and cause slop further down, so that knocks it off the top spot.

I've got a 40mm Pentax which is beautifully built and optically delicious, but believe it or not it's just not in a different league to my 40mm Aero that cost a quarter as much, so that isn't my favourite.

I think it would have to be my 2x Zeiss Abbe barlow with Baader ClickLock fitting. Superb optical quality and very nice to use.


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