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Your Best Lunar Image?


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I was thinking this might be a good idea for a thread.

I thought it would be nice to see lunar images from this or other years where everything just came together with seeing, focusing, capture and processing. 

Please Mods delete if there is already a thread for this.



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Nice idea for a thread. For me it's probably this image, captured at 4am during the waning phase it is a mosaic of 6 panes, each one was best 250 from 2500 frames I think. Captured with 8.75" Fullerscope at native FL (1620mm) and Altair 290m (red filter). 

Meant to capture the whole moon but ran out of disk space! 

Mosaic v3 png.png

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This is my best "taken for fun" image of the moon captured with my Canon 70-200mm f/4 L lens all handheld. I think I captured 6 images in burst mode then processed via PIPP/Registax/Photoshop, as you can imagine the image is heavily cropped.


Thought I would add this image, single frame taken with a DSLR and my C90 Mak...



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I find it hard to pick one. 
this one for sure is one i’m quite proud of


or one of my large mosaics


clear skies,



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My favourite because I was ready for it, it was at a good altitude and the sky was clear for virtually all of the eclipse...... done on an Alt-Az mount as well, so none of this automated none-sense.


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Plenty of great images in this thread already! @wouterdhoye your large scale mosaic linked to is stunning in it's depth and clarity 😍

My own favourite is definitely this two pane mosaic, taken last April.  Using a SkyMax 127 and my ASI533, it was 500 frames per panel with the best 25% used in each (125 frames per panel).  I think almost everything was excellent that night.  I was blown away by the image before processing and was even more surprised at how hard I could push it.  The shot below doesn't do it justice, so do click through and view at 1:1.



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I don't know about my best, but this is my current fave - at least among my best!  My recently posted, last edition, and only night time effort with my newest scope - an APM 140mm F7 - shot at prime with a ZWO ASI183MM and Baader 520nm filter.


Moon_19_52_31_ZWO ASI183MM_1_22032021_pipp_lapl4_ap3696-520nm-300of3000-exp-VC1+unsharp+contrast-colourize+VC2-6.jpg

Edited by WestCoastCannuck
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Took a few dozen back on March 24th on a night of cracking seeing. Single shot handheld through a 200P, Samsung A6 on auto just held up to the eyepiece. I think the full shot was through a BST 15MM, the Mare Imbrium if memory serves was through a Baader Hyperion IV, possibly barlowed. Can't remember what setting.

It has since led me to buy a proper phone eyepiece mount...



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Far from perfect, but definitely my favourite pictures of the Moon, because it was the first time I saw and photographed a lunar eclipse :) For once the weather was cooperating. What a nice show, I'll never forget!

The Moon became visible during the peak of the eclipse, so only I had the opportunity to record the 2nd half of the eclipse.

This was taken in July 2018 from Munich, with a Fujifilm X-T1, Canon 300mm f/4L and 1.4x extender. I'm not sure how many frames were stacked, but what I'm sure of, is that this folder takes a lot of space on my hard drive :D 



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Great images so far!

Here's my one of Clavius using a 8 inch Meade SCT and Zwo asi224mc. There was one day last month (23 March) that my seeing was probably the best it has been for months (clear, cool, no wind, no con trails)  plus the Moon was high in the sky - it really made all the difference! I mention no con trails because I live directly under a transatlantic flight corridor for planes leaving Frankfurt - the reduced air traffic at the moment has really improved my seeing.



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I quite like this one, from this winter. The moon was overhead and creating a halo in the clouds. I snapped a few shots handheld with my DSLR and a telephoto lens. Had to make a composite to get both the clouds and the moon details.Moon2.thumb.jpg.04c41acfe7c5d50c030f21970be436bb.jpg

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I think this is one of my better efforts, taken with an Edge 8 and ZWO ASI174 and sharpened with ImPPG. I started using ImPPG recently and enjoy using it. I used to use Smart Sharpen in Photoshop mostly but I switched to GIMP and the thing I most missed for lunar and solar processing was Smart Sharpen. I'm really happy to have found something I find as fast and predictable as Smart Sharpen.

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  • 3 months later...

Great topic choice!


I'm new to anything astro but lovin it... Captured this with 8-9 shots, on my Nikon D7000 through a Skymax 127 then stacked n processed this week...  am gonna give it another go as I didn't set the  camera 'mirror up' (which I learnt about today).. so will see if it means I'll get a sharper set of images...   I find the mineral moon idea fascinating..




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