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Hi I'm nikki.

Just joined after having a read of some of the threads on here last few days. Don't have a telescope yet but know I definitely want one.

Probably known that for over 40 years though and just never got round to it. Ooops!!! Anyway, love photography (especially 35mm film) and looking up at the sky. :)

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Thanks everyone.

Will mostly be lounging and reading for now (and browsing ebay and gumtree lol), but will join in more when I have something to share. Or just plain desperate for help!! 😂 

Looks a great site 😊

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I know exactly where you are coming from, interested in astronomy since a child, first scope age 44! Last two years have been a blast, I hope you get viewing soon and have your brain re arraigned by what you see, just like mine.

You might already know more about the night sky than I do now, but if you are a complete beginner then get out there and learn the night sky. I got my scope then started to learn the constellations and how to find the north celestial pole etc, all stuff I could have done with the internet and my eyeballs.


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Hi Nikki, welcome. I'm fairly new here myself and everyone has been very helpful. I used to do a lot of photography, both film and digital. Medium format Velvia 120 with a Fujifilm GSW690 was my fav, amazing details in those images, but digital a lot more practical. I still have three old Russian Zenit 35mm cameras, they just keep working.  Regarding a telescope, I frequently checked eBay and Gumtree before I found mine, but AstroBuySell UK I have found is excellent for scopes, eyepieces and accessories and tends to be cheaper than eBay, perhaps as there are no 10% seller's fees etc. I'm way up in NE Scotland, so a lot of the telescopes on eBay were collection only and much to far to consider. There are always a few Skywatcher Skyliner dobsonians on eBay for a good price though if one pops up near you. Best bang for your money in my opinion. Others like the NexStar scopes etc, but which scope is a long discussion, haha. Unless you want to do astrophotography, I'd go for the biggest dob you can afford and can move around comfortably (they get quite heavy and bulky as size increases). Otherwise a nice new refractor is on my list as well. Happy shopping and stargazing!

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9 minutes ago, Ships and Stars said:

Hi Nikki, welcome. I'm fairly new here myself and everyone has been very helpful. I used to do a lot of photography, both film and digital. Medium format Velvia 120 with a Fujifilm GSW690 was my fav

Thanks, until recently I would have said Velvia was my favourite film stock (profile pic is expired 35mm velvia 100f in c-41) but have been experimenting with kodak vision3 500t a bit lately. Never made it up yo medium format yet but will certainly want a reasonable scope I can fit a camera onto.

But anything "bargain basement" will do for starters. 


7 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

Hi again, just spotted you're in Bristol, there is a Bristol Astronomical Society if you're interested, just Google it to get their meeting time and dates. Every Friday but I think they're less often during the summer months. 

Thank you, that is very handy to know. I will google that.


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Hi Nikki

Welcome from Land Down Under

You travel the universe in this forum

Recommend going along to a club, before rushing out and buying anything

Members only too happy to show you equipment they have

The club I belong to also do a couple of public viewing nights during the year

I am also out couple times per month as well, doing presentation primary schools/scout groups




Early next year, NASA is sending another Rover to Mars

The attached link will enable you to register, and have your name on the Rover, and also download Boarding Pass



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Hi, Nikki, and welcome to SGL.

For 30+ years in this hobby I had nothing bigger than a pair of 7*50 binoculars. I still use them to "cruise the sky" while the scope is imaging. So telescope is not vital (but they are nice to have!).

Enjoy the journey.

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Hello Nikki...Welcome to SGL, Best of Luck with that Future Telescope and Clear Skies of course...


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