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Show me your eyepiece/accessories case, please.


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It is a bit of a beast :evil:

This is it here, currently out of stock but they will probably get more in: http://www.allendale-stores.co.uk/aluminium-flight-case-with-foam-03.html

I do like the 8mm Ethos. I have heard a few people saying it's not as good as the 6mm and 10mm and I am looking forward to putting that to the test :smile:

Nice case.

I'm not sure I get the whole x better than y in each eyepiece range. I'm sure they are all designed to similar criteria, and the differences are far more likely to be related to the particular mag or exit pupil they deliver in each scope. Just my humble opinion ;)

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Very nice Derek :smiley:

I've had both the 8mm and 6mm Ethos for some time. They are practically identical to my eyes although I find the eye relief on the 6mm just a little tighter. It's specified by Tele Vue as being the same though.

Having tried a Delos in the middle of my Ethos pack (I had the 10mm for a while) I found I just didn't use it. I was skipping straight from the 13mm to the 8mm Ethos without feeling the need for anything in the middle. The Delos was an excellent eyepiece though in every respect, just not needed by myself. In fact I often jump straight from my 21mm Ethos to the 8mm and skip the 13mm but I won't be getting rid of that one.

Unless the Delites are proven to be a step up in terms of transmission, sharpness and light scatter (which would be tough) ie: they get into Zeiss ZAO / Pentax XO territory, I don't think I'll be going for them as I'm not going to invest in them for the sake of it.

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Very nice Derek :smiley:

I've had both the 8mm and 6mm Ethos for some time. They are practically identical to my eyes although I find the eye relief on the 6mm just a little tighter. It's specified by Tele Vue as being the same though.

Having tried a Delos in the middle of my Ethos pack (I had the 10mm for a while) I found I just didn't use it. I was skipping straight from the 13mm to the 8mm Ethos without feeling the need for anything in the middle. The Delos was an excellent eyepiece though in every respect, just not needed by myself. In fact I often jump straight from my 21mm Ethos to the 8mm and skip the 13mm but I won't be getting rid of that one.

Unless the Delites are proven to be a step up in terms of transmission, sharpness and light scatter (which would be tough) ie: they get into Zeiss ZAO / Pentax XO territory, I don't think I'll be going for them as I'm not going to invest in them for the sake of it.

Your jumping around and mine sound quite similar, John. I did get good use out of the Delos EPs but mainly in my Lunt 50Ha and none of them out-performed the Ethos 8mm in that scope. However, I do not have limited options for the Lunt as the 10mm and 13mm Ethos cannot reach focus due to the lack of inward travel. That is principally why I have bought the Plossls but they will also come in handy for travel.

I agree that unless the DeLites offer more than just another set of black and green things they will not necessarily be a good investment, but my interest is shorter term than that and I am lucky enough to be able to buy just because I want to try them. If nothing else, they might remove my need for the five Plossls which would allow me to recover some of the cost.

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With the exception of the 10mm I've resisted the temptation to buy and try more Deloi. I'll do the same with the Delites I expect. In a sense I think I know what they are going to be like so I'd rather invest in something which might have the capacity to surprise, in a pleasant way of course :smiley:

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the 8E is simply stunning..I, like you John skip from the 21 to the 8 now making my 13 feel lonely!...but powermated AGAIN gives me a lovely 314x fills a gap which is what its for!!!

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i love the 8mm as well and find my eps cover all bases, just need a pm now. i used to have most of the delos, full set of bgos and a 22mm and 31mm nagler, sold them all to buy what i have now and dont regret it at all

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No need to comment here, except to wonder if it's Groundhog Day again. Nope! There it is - post #2211 ...


Thank you for continuing to be my personal mirror, Gordon. I do need one held up in front of me every now and again :smile:

Now then, where is that link to the Pan 24mm on Ebay.........

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I have four cases of eyepieces now though my cases are not as big as yours, but looking at the the collection you have I can think and see a few thousand reasons to buy a bigger case, another Powermate and a 4.7mm Ethos, then have a cull.

I like really the Delos range and only really have them for Planetary views in all the scopes I have, the same is true of the two Plossl's I have. Most Naglers, which have been on the increase of late and the Panoptics could be thinned somewhat and the high power could be served by the buy of a 4.7mm E, 5mm XW which I have and my Nagler zoom. It also would not be worth selling the range of Hutech and BGO orthoscopics due to shipping costs.

I think it is only the amount that couriers cost me to sell in the UK that is holding me back and the fact I am not a massive fan of Ethos on planets but I could get used to it I suppose.

That would mean that surplus to requirement would be the full Delos range, Panoptic's 24mm and 35mm, keeping the big one, Naglers 5,7,9,11&16mm, Radians 3,4,& 5mm. Though I am not sure it is worth offloading the Radians as it is 23ish pounds to send each one so something has to fetch around 150-160 to make it worth it, the same reason it is silly to sell a any ortho's at around the 50 quid mark.

Having seen you chop and change many eyepieces over a fair period of time the end result sure seems to make sound sense, now where is the beathing apparatus or oxygen tent.


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Derek, I apologise if you are annoyed at me being your 'mirror'. I hope that's not the case, though (no pun intended), and you see it as it's meant, just fun.

Mrs Floater has warned me before - several times, unfortunately - about my idea of 'fun' not being to everyone's taste!

Without doubt, your EP collection is awesome - but I shall await with some glee the next post that has the words 'I'm done' in it. :-))

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Derek, I apologise if you are annoyed at me being your 'mirror'. I hope that's not the case, though (no pun intended), and you see it as it's meant, just fun.

Mrs Floater has warned me before - several times, unfortunately - about my idea of 'fun' not being to everyone's taste!

Without doubt, your EP collection is awesome - but I shall await with some glee the next post that has the words 'I'm done' in it. :-))

no need to worry, Gordon, your post made me laugh and I am aware that my state of being "done" is a somewhat loose term :lol:



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Finally a reason to need an eyepiece case!  Santa came today.  9x50 RACI, 40mm Omni Plossl, 25mm X-Cel and 9mm X-Cel.  Now to start working on a case.

And, more clear skies forecast for the next 10 days!



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Finally a reason to need an eyepiece case!  Santa came today.  9x50 RACI, 40mm Omni Plossl, 25mm X-Cel and 9mm X-Cel.  Now to start working on a case.

And, more clear skies forecast for the next 10 days!


So here we go!  Lots of room to grow....


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Not as impressive as most but I'm new to the hobby. 30mm GSO Superview 2", Meade 26mm super plõssl, Orion Sirius plõssls 20 & 7.5mm, GSO 9mm plõssl, and my first wide field ep 11mm explore scientific 82°. Also a Orion x2shorty Barlow.


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  • 4 weeks later...

New toys :D 28mm maxvision from Dave (F15Rules), Astronomik OIII from 365 astronomy and revelation 2"-1.25" SCA so I can use the filter on my 1.25" eps as well.

Hoping for a clear night for the veil:D



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Dom, how about a Luminos 2" 23mm?? A real "hand grenade"! - but a very nice ep with 82deg field..the double cluster at the weekend in the Bresser AR127l was stunning and sharp almost edge to edge:-)


I really rate Luminos, I'm not saying they're perfect, but for the money they are incredibly comfortable to use and immersive. 

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