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SGL 2018 - Save the Dates!


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We have the dates for next years star party at Lucksall, Herefordshire:

12th - 19th October 2018

This will be our 10th year at Lucksall so we are planning something even more super than usual :)

More information will be available in the coming months and bookings will go live hopefully towards the end of the year.



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Bother :(.

I feared as much when I looked at the moon phases for Oct '18. Unfortunately SGL14 finishes as my half term starts, last two weeks of Oct.

So unless I retire by then I can't make it.

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:BangHead::BangHead::BangHead: yet again it clashes with my little boys birthday so that writes it off for me. I’d love to attend and if there is ever an SGL*** at a more pertinent time for me I’ll do my damnest to be there but as it stands, yet again, I’ll just have to enjoy reading the reports and looking at the photo threads (and I have to admit I do very much enjoy it so thanks to the contributors :icon_biggrin: ). Here’s looking in hope ?

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8 hours ago, Hadron said:

:BangHead::BangHead::BangHead: yet again it clashes with my little boys birthday so that writes it off for me. I’d love to attend and if there is ever an SGL*** at a more pertinent time for me I’ll do my damnest to be there but as it stands, yet again, I’ll just have to enjoy reading the reports and looking at the photo threads (and I have to admit I do very much enjoy it so thanks to the contributors :icon_biggrin: ). Here’s looking in hope ?

Me too; it's my daughter's birthday on the 17th, so it depends when she has her party. If i put it in the diary now, maybe I can block the weekend before out, and she can have her party the following weekend :)


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On 22/10/2017 at 14:57, AdeKing said:

Just booked out on the calendar. Can't book annual leave with work until the New Year though.

Looking forward to it already.

That's a bit restrictive lol I've already booked Two weeks off for the 2024 eclipse...

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On 19/10/2017 at 19:28, MartinB said:

After Friday night I spent the rest of my time getting healthy again!  It was brill!

You been over imbibing again Martin?      It will retard your Pedal Power don't you know ?.

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