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A productive evening!


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There are nights that pay for a whole year, in them we have to know how to enjoy, in them our emotion rises and our heart is softened.
In them I feel proud to be an astrophotographer, to devote my leisure hours to such a sublime ideal!
Avani Soares









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Nice to see lunar imaging, and processing skills of the very highest quality.
I am in awe of your imaging prowess  Avani, and the results you achieve ensure lunar photography will
endure, as we all try to reach your very high standard.


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A wonderful set Avani and a beautiful sentiment. My wife who looks at my deep sky images with indifference absolutely loves these. Perhaps I should sell my deep space gear and start on the lunar imaging..... Never !!! :D

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I am grateful for the warm comments from my colleagues, johnfosteruk, Yamez, Dave Vermont, Reggie, michael.hfwilkinson, jules, Fozzie, tsitsit, jimbo747, pete Presland, Ruud, MARS1960, Tyson M, laudropb, WestCoastCannuck and Hawksmoor.
I am very encouraged to continue doing my best!

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It was actually made with my old C14 Edge and a dedicated ASI 224 camera with a Powermate 2X and a L Astronomik expensive filter jimbo747. I have said that a good setup is essential for optimal results as well as choosing the correct filter for certain seeing conditions.

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