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Ultimate grab and go setup?

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Hoping to give this a proper run out tonight.


Tak FC100

Ercole mount on Gitzo GT5542LS tripod

Devon skies, clearly not dark at the moment but still better than at home on a good night I reckon.




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2 minutes ago, Uplooker said:

Wishing you luck. But come on Stu, I thought you were going back to a minimalist setup. Did you find that SCT down the back of the sofa, saying "Ooh, I forgot I had that"

Ian, you wouldn't believe the story if I told you, and actually it's not mine! I'm just looking after it for a friend ??

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Great stuff Stu - hope you are having fun !

Don't know where you are in Devon but it's rather good here as well. Astro club night tonight so I always come home fired with enthusiasm but usually to a clouded sky. Not tonight though :icon_biggrin:

I'm sticking to just the Tak FS100 this evening - only needed a few mins cool down !


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1 hour ago, Stu said:

Ian, you wouldn't believe the story if I told you, and actually it's not mine! I'm just looking after it for a friend ??

Yes, of course you are!!

Of to Exmouth myself.tomorrow, no scope though just my Opticron 8x42's

Have a great session Stu:-)


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Thanks all. Best views I've had for quite a long time, the 925 has had plenty of cool down time so is giving cracking images. The collimation still needs a tweak but I don't want to mess with it down here, it's good enough for the moment. GRS looking very colourful, as was the rest of the planet, plenty of lovely detail to be had.

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