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M33 Consolation Shot.


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While I was on holiday in Fuerteventura last month I had about an hour after setting up before Orion/HH rose high enough to be imaged. It wasn't ideal as although it was close to zenith it was pointing into the LP from the beach promenade lights. Since there wasn't much else to image at that time I just let it run, mostly to check that guiding was working okay and everything was set up correctly. So this is data from 3 different nights totalling 25 subs of 5 minutes (~2 hours).

I really must find somewhere a bit darker to go on holiday as the subs are totally orange even though I used an IDAS LP filter. But the end result is a bit better than I had expected, I hadn't bothered to process them until tonight since I wasn't convinced there was much in them to be honest. So not great, but not too bad for a tricky object like M33.

Acquisition details:

Baader Modified Canon 6D @ ISO1600
Canon 500mm f/4 L IS @ f/4 with IDAS LPS-D1 filter.
24x5 minute subs

Avalon Instruments M-Zero

Thanks for looking...


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Thanks again everyone!

This is cracking Stuart, really nice!

Just wondering if you guided your setup for this or are the subs 5min unguided?


Phil, this was taken guided...I haven't really attempted unguided with this mount...suppose I should do at some point to see what the starting point is...

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