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Space Cowboy

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Space Cowboy last won the day on March 13 2014

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  1. Very nice captures Kostas! That is the very same view I had through my first telescope back in 2010. 🙂
  2. You've certainly got all the tools you need with that setup. I hope to be imaging in the autumn. Will be having cataract surgery sometime in the next couple of months so it will be nice to see pin sharp stars and planets again 🙂
  3. Good start despite the seeing Kostas! I can understand you wanting to get an early shot with the big dob as the extra aperture will make the biggest difference on Saturn.
  4. Yes I was a bit naughty bumping this up with no year on the title ðŸĪĢ Good luck trying this week Kostas. It looks like the weather may actually be improving ðŸ˜Ŋ
  5. Just reminding myself that I did planetary imaging once ðŸĪŠ Thank goodness Venus was last year and not this ðŸ˜Ū Can't help thinking this prelonged unsettled weather bodes well for Jupiter in the autumn. Surely we are due settled weather at some stage!
  6. Oh yes always move in 2 parts. I do have a holdall from Argos that the OTA fits in perfectly for car journeys.
  7. It was the auto tracking version before the GOTO Dobs came out but it works with the GOTO handset.
  8. Just a point to make if this hasn't been mentioned. The 10" skywatcher flextube Dob has the same size mount as the 8". The 12" is a much larger beast altogether. I've had my 10" flextube for 13 years now and wouldn't swap it for anything. I keep it upstairs and it's light enough to carry up and down without trips to A & E 🙂
  9. Congratulations to Kostas, Geof & Nigella for producing work of such a high standard considering how bad the weather has been this planetary season. Its a shame the planetary challenge wasn't a month earlier to allow more time on Jupiter 🙂 Love the mug Geof! Best wishes with your recovery! 👍
  10. You're on the right track there Ian. As Kostas says just a few subtle tweaks.
  11. When planetary imaging you'll be able to lay back and smoke a cigar 😎 Short exposure DSO is an option now.
  12. Woahhhh!!!! Lewis Hamilton just got a better car!! 💊 Great to see you with a big gun Kostas!
  13. Very nicely detailed image Harvey!
  14. Nice final look at Venus 🙂 Lets hope 2025 gives us plenty of good seeing.
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